Part Two

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Early the next morning before the sun had even rose, he woke and polished himself up to be exquisite and stuffed his pouches full of 'essentials' for his meeting with Alexia, chuckling sinisterly to himself. At long last, he would be able to act upon his fantasies. He pulled a cheeky sickie with work, telling Armstrong that he felt too weak to come in, he was suffering with the dreaded glitch, and would need a few days in bed to recover.

"Huh, candyass, you need better nanomachines, son," Armstrong grunted at him.

Monsoon grinned silently to himself; if he only knew. He said goodbye to his beloved wheel as it was too big to take with him but he would take Dystopia, just in case of trouble, and scurried out to the port under the cloak of darkness.

He arrived at the port and looked at the destinations:

'Skyrim' hell no, 'Silent Hill', tempting but maybe some othertime, 'New Vegas' definitely when he had more caps to spend, ahh 'Rockfort Island' – Gate 666 for the Queen Zenobia.

Monsoon waited in line to board and realised that in his rush, he had forgotten to book a damn ticket! How could he have been so stupid? Head was all clouded up with Veronica virus! However, he knew there was no need for panic – it was a mistake that was easily rectified. Thinking of his motto for life, 'the strong prey upon the weak' he spotted a young woman, Jill Valentine, standing alone in the queue. A smoke grenade would have been useful here but there were too many other people around, he had to try something more discreet. He sidled up to her in his purple aura, detaching all his parts and glitching ever so slightly to shock her and throw her off guard.

"Err... can I help you?" she asked, a hint of distain in her voice.

Cyborgs were very rarely seen in these lands, especially one as freakish as Monsoon. They were often met with hostility, born from fear. Weaklings deserved everything they got he figured. At least his darling Alexia was not so narrow minded. And Jill was not even mutation... eurgh. Humans repulsed him even more than other cyborgs.

He stared over her shoulder at nothing, a false look of horror slowly descending on his face and began to point with his one hand, while slyly detaching the other.

"What... what is that? Good god is that a wheel?" he asked, a staged quiver in his voice.

As predicted, Jill turned and looked at the fake distraction, giving him chance to quickly send his free hand into her back pocket and snaffle her ticket. Was she that stupid? On realising there was nothing there, she turned back and asked him, "What the hell? There's no wheel there what are you talking about?"

"Oh, I do apologise," he smiled back at her falsely. "As you can see, my eyes are not the best. In fact I don't have any. I must have been mistaken."

Jill's expression changed while Monsoon felt smug; she hadn't even realised she'd been robbed. The smugness soon turned to anger when he saw the pity in her eyes. Damn, if she knew the power hewielded! He did not need her pity!

"It's OK, don't worry about it, you do look like there's something wrong with you; you're awfully glitchy," she said and pulled out some kind of plant from her pocket... "Here, take this."

What was this? A blue herb? What the hell was a cyborg meant to do with a herb and why on earth was it blue? Was he meant to eat it or smoke it? He thanked her anyway; perhaps it would come in useful later. Maybe he could give it to Alexia as a token of his love. And he really resented the comment about there being 'something wrong with him'. And as for 'Glitchy'? How rude! He wanted to snap back'at least I'm not laggy' but knew better than to lower himself with such childishness. He quickly moved away before she noticed her ticket was missing, shaking his head at her ignorance.

Little did he know, Jill's extremely possessive boyfriend was working as head of security and had seen on CCTV what he had done. Seething with rage, Nemesis vowed revenge.

 Seething with rage, Nemesis vowed revenge

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