D-Day Part 1

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It has been three months since the day we started out basic training.
I couldn't believe today is the day to start our mission. But I think there's nothing to be worried about, right? I have friends to cover my back. I've been quite familiar with them now. Like Zussman? Man, he's like my best friend now. He's humorous and kind. Always got my back, such an awesome friend. Aiello? He's... quite interesting, I know he's from Queens and have a nonna of course. Quite a bit rube but still nice to everyone— well, maybe except Zussman, they always tease each other as if they were a couple. I'll definitely ship them if they were gays. And Stiles—a typical college nerd I would say. He's nerdy but kinda cute actually, I was shocked when he mentioned about his girlfriend, we were all shocked about the fact that he actually has a girlfriend, which was kinda hard to believe. I have to mention about Lieutenant Turner, unlike Mr. asshole(Pierson). He's really nice to me and always support me during the basic training. He's like a big brother to me and I really like him, I can't even imagine a world without him, Pierson's gonna torture me to death that's for sure.

We were on the ship, I was sitting on a chair with Zussman and the rest of our guys.

"You're so in love with that camera, don't you?" I teased while looking at Stiles.

"Well...not as much as I love my girlfriend, but yeah. It cost
me a fortune."

"Alright, college. Let's see if you can be a real photographer." Zussman stood up and reached out his arms with a knife in his hand.
Stiles shook his head and frowned. "Nah, I'm good. I still want my fingers stay on my hands."
Zussman drew back his hands. "Suit yourself," He turned to Aiello. "Aiello, watch me." Zussman started to poke the gap between his fingers with a sharp knife swiftly.
My heartbeat sped up a little as I watched Zussman played this dangerous game, I was expecting to hear some painful groans from him. Instead, he threw the knife on the desk and cheered.
"You just got flushed!" He cheered proudly with his arms in the air.
Aiello stood up and pointed at the knife. "No way!"

"Amazing." I clapped.

"Give me that necklace." Zussman extended his arms to Aiello.

"Alright." He took the necklace from his neck and gave it to Zussman.

"Next time, I will win a real trophy, just you wait." Zussman said it directly to me, then turned to look at Stiles and Aiello.

"Yeah sure, good luck with that." Aiello said unemotionally, staring intensely at him. The room soon lapsed into silence where no one speak at all.

"Oh, briefing is at 18:00. We're gonna be late!" Stiles broke the silence and saved me from awkwardness. He got to his feet and ran out within a second.
Then I stood up and walked while others followed from my back.
Just as we approached the doorway, Pierson came up, which I almost bumped into him, blocking the way.
"Briefing is about to start, what the hell are you guys doing?" Pierson didn't wait for us to respond and continued talking. "Oh you think you're special huh? The krauts are gonna eat your lunch!"

"No not our lunch, our lunch is secure." Zussman replied, again using his incredibly annoying big mouth.
Pierson turned to look at him. "Watch your mouth, Zussman." He shot him a glare. "On me." He turned and walked away, we followed him from behind.
As I was walking, Zussman walked backward to catch up my pace.
"Since I'm obviously on the lucky strike, whatever happens, stay close. First Normandy then the Rhine. We got this Anderson." He patted me on the shoulder and continued walking.
We packed our weapons, ammos, helmets. Grabbing anything that useful and came out of ship.
They lined us up in front of the ship, in our front stood Colonel Davis. I could feel my hands tremble a little and are sweaty.
"Today, with our allies we embark on an operation of unparalleled importance. To establish a beach head at Normandy and roll back the German aggression that has terrorized Europe for the past five years. We are all that separates the world from darkness. This is so much more than a chance to be heroes in our lifetimes. If we prevail, our triumph will be etched into the hearts and minds of a grateful world for untold generation. I'm talking about glory, gentlemen. True glory."
Well...gentlemen...offended. I'm starting to think maybe is a wrong idea to be in this place, I shouldn't even be here if I didn't lose my goddamn mind. But I guess is all too late now.
"Come on, let's go." Zussman walked in front of me with his rifle hanging over his shoulders.
Then we climbed the rope down the boat, my rifle strapped to my back. I could see Aiello and Stiles waiting for us on the boat.
"Alright, let's go!" Turner started barking orders at the guy who controlled the wheels.
I positioned myself beside Zussman as the boat started moving, Aiello, Stiles, Turner and Pierson stood in front of me. I have never stood on a boat before so as it started moving, causing me to lose my footing. Thankfully Zussman grabbed my arm, holding me up.
"Thanks." I nodded and smiled at him.
He returned me a smile and turned to look forward.
I took out my family photo and held it tight in my arms. I haven't heard from dad since I got into this mess, I hope he's doing okay.
Aiello turned to look at me, he seemed curious about the photo I held.
"This is your family?" He asked.

"Yeah, my dad and my mom. This photo was taken when I was thirteen." I replied while showing the photo to him.

"Hey, don't worry about them. I'm sure they are doing just fine. You should be worried about yourself first." He gave me a warm smile.

"I think you're right." I smiled back, although I did not want them to know that I was worried, looked like they had already known judging from the look on my face.
I closed my eyes and started praying in my mind.
Dear god, please pray for my family, especially my dad. I hope he's doing well and healthy. And pray for me to be alive on the battlefield so that I could come home hold my dad in my arms.
After I finished praying, I noticed that Pierson had been staring at me through my glance. I wondered what's in his mind. As I looked up to him, he immediately turned to look at the front.
The waves crashed up against the boat causing Stiles who was trying to take a picture fell against Aiello.
He in return pushed him away.
Waves kept crashing against the boat, causing me almost lost my balance and fell again. Thankfully I put my hand on Zussman's shoulder to keep my balance. Damn the weather today is really bad.
Just as Zussman was about to open his mouth to speak, Turner turned to us and spoke.
"Remember no digging in at the shore, you gotta advance. You need to stay low and do not bunch up. You stick to your training you're gonna make it through. I'm proud to lead you fellows into battle. Anytime, anywhere."
After hearing Turner spoke, I felt a lot better. He must have a lot of experience in battle and he knew freshmen like us would be scared.
"Alright, give em hell boys!" Aiello lifted his fists and I looked up to the sky, seeing some of our boys flying airplanes through the sky, ready to kick some krauts asses.
I felt more relieved after seeing that as well. Looked like we had a higher chance of wining.

"The beaches are supposed to be flattened right?" Zussman asked.

"You sound scared private." Pierson replied sarcastically.

"No sir."

"You should be." Pierson replied with unfazed voice.

As we getting close to the beach, my heartbeat sped up to rattling thumps in my chest. Silence filled the air as if I could only hear my own heartbeat. I caught a glimpse of Zussman held his rifle even tighter, his hands seemed tremble as well. He's scared. We all are.

Come on Casey you can do this, for my father.

To be continued...

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