"Why Frogs Rippit"

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Long long ago, when only animals roamed the Earth, there was a time when a frog named Tiddup lived by the river. The river sparkled and shined just like a diamond and every time the sun shined on the water it was so clear you could see your reflection. Tiddup would always look at his reflection in the morning and say to himself "One day I will become the best singer in the world."

He used to sing so beautifully. His group of animal friends always loved his singing. Each morning Tiddup used to sing to his group of animal friends. Sometimes he would sing nursery rhymes and other times he would sing songs about nature and perform musicals. His voice poured out like a river, and every time he sang, his voice was so relaxing and warm. At that time, the Crow who used to be the best singer got jealous.

One day, the Crow's brother Anura decided to have a party for his birthday. Anura wanted a special musical for the party, so Crow said to his brother that "I will sing for you." Except his brother Anura said "No, I want Tiddup to sing for me because my friends say he's better than you" Crow was devastated.

When all the animals came to Anura's celebration, Crow became very unhappy. He looked around the party place and saw a bunch of flowers decorated around the trunks of the trees. There was a lot of food laid neatly on top of a big rock. When Anura saw Tiddup he rushed to him, but as he was about to approach him Crow stopped his brother Anura and said "don't go near him" but Anura flew away towards Tiddup because he really wanted to meet him.

When Anura finally meet Tiddup, Tiddup gave him a gift that was wrapped in a long leaves. The Crow look at them and he felt jealous since his brother didn't like his brother Crow only Tiddup.

When Tiddup called all the animals to join him for a special song, everyone came except Crow. When Tiddup began his musical, everyone loved and enjoyed it. Anura said "it was the best thing I had ever heard"

Anura thanked everyone and his friend Tiddup, except his brother because he didn't do anything for him or for his birthday party.

After the party, the Lion met Tiddup and told him to "keep on practicing because, I want you to sing at the ceremony tomorrow." Tiddup cheerfully agreed.

The next afternoon before the ceremony, the Crow, Parrot, Pigeon and Owl went to the Lion to talk about Tiddup. The Crow said to the Lion, "Tiddup is a Frog he should not be allowed to sing, singing is for us Birds only." However the Lion then said, that "you could sing together as a duet."

When the Lion was gone, the Crow, Parrot, Pigeon and Owl made a plan. "It wouldn't be a duet but a duel." They waited until the musical at the ceremony started and all the animals came to see the show.

Tiddup and Crow both started singing. First the Crow sung and then Tiddup. They kept on singing because they both wanted to outshine the other.

They both felt really exhausted and tired but they kept on singing. Suddenly Tiddup's voice changed instead of singing he was saying "Rippit, Rippit." The Crow had also lost his singing voice instead of singing he was saying "Caw, Caw."From that day on, the Frog and Crow never sung again. Instead they only said "Rippit, Rippit" and "Caw, Caw." This is why the Frogs rippit and Crow caw. 

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