Other Works

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Hey guys!! Here are some of the other books I've written. If you want to check them out, just click on my icon that way <--- and it'll take you to my profile where they are all listed. I have another couple of books that you may be interested in, so don't forget to go check them out!! 

I stupidly decided to nickname the Bad Boy Tickles

I stupidly decided to nickname the Bad Boy Tickles

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If anyone knows how to screw something up, it's Chloe Davis.

That's probably the main factor contributing to her being socially awkward, lacking common sense and giving the most dangerous person she knows the nickname 'Tickles'. All because of an unfortunate series of events that landed her in the janitor's closet, she somehow ends up being involved in one of the biggest drug deals in the country.

This is the reason why you shouldn't gossip in public places, don't nickname the Bad Boy after his greatest weakness and need to learn how to not be an annoying little shit.

Love. Layla


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Word by word, piece by piece, she exposed the truth.

Each day a new letter came, until there was nothing left to tell.

No secrets to hide, no stories untold.

This is the story of Layla.

Hope (Enoch O'Connor x Reader)

Hope (Enoch O'Connor x Reader)

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Is there hope for anything? Is there hope for survival? Is there hope for you? Or are you completely lost to the world? Travelling to Miss Peregrine's loop with your ymbryne Miss Avocet was a struggle. Your loop was raided by wights and hollows, and none of the children could be saved. But now you're surrounded by new peculiars. Is this a new beginning, a new chapter of your life? Or is it simply the drawn out ending of your ultimate demise? Do you prosper in happiness and light, or do you manage to find love in the darkest of places?

See ya'll later!


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