Chapter 1

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*Warning: Contains graphic scenes not suitable for those sensitive to descriptive deaths, gore, etc.*

The kingdom of Delia. A prosperous and bountiful kingdom that holds one of the few elven kingdoms left in the land of Faerûn. In the kingdom there is the queen, king, and the two princesses who rule. Though there is tension with the Northern Dwarven Kingdom there is an era of peace for the kingdom of Delia, but all things must come to an end


"Princess Melrose come back!" shouted Melrose's personal instructor, "You must return to your studies! You still have much to review."

But Melrose kept running, running, and running until she couldn't do it anymore. With tears in her eyes she said with a sniffle, "I will not rule over this kingdom. I'm not even the first heir. Matra is, nor will she give up her crown to her younger sister."

One year ago Melrose was informed that her parents decided she'd hold the throne and rule over the kingdom. King Kestral and Queen Mink believed that Matra was not fit for the throne and most likely had other intentions on how to rule over the kingdom. After this announcement Melrose's life was immediately whisked away from her as her days of relaxation and fun were changed to study and political practice . Melrose didn't ask to be born as the second heir to the throne of Delia nor did she want to rule over subjects and a kingdom.

Melrose was walking to her quarters very deep in her thoughts when a large explosion could be felt throughout the castle. Suddenly large amounts of shouting could be heard.

"The rebels are in the castle!" echoed through the long and empty halls.

Not noticing the sound of clinking metal approaching her, a castle guard came sprinting from around the corner grabbing her in the midst of her shock. She was quickly dragged into her room while the guard locked and barricaded the door behind them.

Melrose regaining her composure began to panic. "What's going on? How did the rebels get in?"

"They...they were let in by a rebel sympathizer, but not only that; They are being led by her highness Matra." the guard replied while trying not to slur his words from being out of breath.

Caught in the midst of shock and anger Melrose asked calmly, "Where is that despicable woman?"

The guard gulped in fear. "In the great hall where the rebels are. Until reinforcements arrive my orders were to protect you in here"

Melrose grabbed her sword from atop her fireplace, "Let me out."

"I'm afraid I can't do that my orders were to keep yo-"

Melrose with the only thought on her mind being the death of her sister spoke. "I said LET ME OUT!", she shouts as she summoned forth a magical force through her hand. Pointing her hand forward she blasted magic outward and knocked the guard out of the way, sending him flying across the room.

Melrose had a look of surprise on her face as she looked at her hand. Though yes she had been studying magic recently she had no idea it would pay off so fast, though she doubted she could do it again. Pushing those thoughts aside Melrose immediately left making her way down to the great hall in a furious storm.


In the large royal chamber of the kingdom there was a small group of rebel soldiers who had just finished a gruesome battle with some kingdom guards. Amongst all the bodies the eldest princess stood, bloodied blade in hand and with a look of fury on her face.

"You! Did your troops find the princess yet?" Matra asks, questioning one of her rebel generals.

"No m'lady, we will keep searching." he bowed before turning to yell more orders to the rest of the remaining troops who weren't out wreaking havoc as the rest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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