Old friends

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Sidenote: 37 weeks is the usual for twins to be born.
Also I'm sorry about Cas don't hate me! 😅😭 It's part of the plan here I promise.
(37 weeks)

There isn't a waking moment you're not thinking about Castiel, you mostly stay at Bobby's distracting yourself with hunt research or sleeping. You don't feel like talking much. You have been having Braxton Hicks more but nothing seems to be happening. You sleep using his trench coat as a jacket most nights.

The girls seem to be reacting to your touch more and moving constantly. It's amusing to you to watch your stomach shift around as they move. You've started think of names, but you aren't sure about any of them.

You're up in the guest room reading a lore book when you hear the voice of an old friend ring up the stairway. You hear a vague "I'm back bitches." And smile, knowing exactly who it is. You put the book to the side sitting upright the best you can. You turn wrong and feel a pain shoot up your back.

You hear footsteps hopping up the stairs and see the familiar red-head peak into the doorway. "(Y/N)!" She says happily coming over to you. You lean up and hug her, and motion for her to sit beside you. "You're huge! When are you due?" She smiles brightly.

You laugh softly, her excited nature never fails to make you smile. "Any day now I guess, Since they have a strange amount of grace we don't know when exactly they're going to come." You smile rubbing your large belly absently.

"They?" She she says, still beaming.

You nod, "two girls,"

"That's awesome! My nieces are going to be so cute!" She exclaims almost jumping up and down.

"You wanna feel them?" You ask, watching your stomach move gently.

"Duh!" She says, watching you raise your shirt and place her hands on your extended abdomen. You watch her silently feeling them press against her hands.

Your mind starts to drift off, back to your angel.

Cas would be freaking out, but so overjoyed at the same time. He's going to miss them being born, and them growing up to be wonderful little girls. They won't know how much of a hero their daddy is. He saved all of us, at least once. He's literally been to hell and back for the ones he loves.

Your mind continues to sway through these thoughts for what seems like forever. You're brought back by Charlie, who was looking at you concerned.
"You okay?" She smiles softly.

You shake your head a little to fast, "Y-yeah, I'm good. Just thinking." You smile weakly, looking at your belly.

She moves back beside you hugging you tight. "I'm so sorry about Cas. I'm always just a text away if you ever need me."

You smile, letting a few stray tears fall leaning into her embrace "thank you Charlie, it's been so damn hard without him. He's not gonna get to see his little girls grow up."

You and her sit and talk about him for a while, giving you a chance to sift through your feelings. She's so open and honest with her answers, it helps you to hear things from her perspective.

She insists that she get your favorite food for dinner and play a few video games. You laugh, and agree (not that you had much choice, but still) being able to hang out with her again is what you needed.

You spent the evening eating, playing your favorite video game and for the first time in a while, genuinely laughing.

Around 9pm is when she decides to leave, vowing that she'll text you every day.

Winging It ( Cas x Pregnant!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now