Chapter Two

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Ava's POV

After spending nearly the whole day at the park, I decided it was time we should be getting home. As we were walking back, we stopped to admire the beautiful sunset. It takes us 15 minutes to walk back, slowly taking the steps again, we get up to the flat.

Putting the key in the door I, I twist it and push the heavy door open. "Now little monkey, quickly wash yourself and dinner will be on the table." I ruffled his hair before he ran off towards the bathroom. Giggling to myself, I walk to the kitchen and heat up some baked beans. Putting two slices of bread in the toaster, I plate everything up just in time for Charlie to walk out of the bathroom.

We quickly scoffed down our food, trying to savour every taste which hits my tongue. Once we had finished, I gave Charlie a quick bath before putting him to bed. Reading a quick bedtime story about a poor woman and a rich hero. Giving a quick peck on his forehead, I walk out of the room and turned off light.

Walking towards the sofa, I thump myself onto it with a soft groan. Well, that was a lot harder than I remembered. I leant up and grabbed my shitty little laptop and opened it up. Going onto a job advert sites, I see a job opens for a PA position. There were no requirements, it is just says that you'll be judged during the interview.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I see that it is only 6 in the evening. 'That's not to late for a business is it?' I questioned myself. Getting up, I waddled to the phone, laughing at my actions, I picked it up and phoned the number from the advert.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A chirpy female voice answered the phone.

"Hello, I am phoning about the job advert, I hope I've got the right place." I said wearingly

"Yes you have, sorry I only started this job a week ago. Now can I take your name please, and also your age?" She asked

"It's Ava Wilson and I am 24." I said, whilst rummaging for a pen and paper.

"Well Miss Wilson, I have got you a job interview at 8:30 tomorrow morning, I hope that's okay." She asked whilst I was quickly writing the information.

"Thank you, is there anything else I need to know?" I question.

"All it says here is that you need to dress as smart as you believe is appropriate. I hope to see you tomorrow Miss Wilson, good luck, and goodbye." She said then hanging up the phone, well that's a little weird, but maybe it's home time.

Wait, it's tomorrow at 8:30, I can't get Charlie to school. Damn. Picking up the phone again I dial my best friend Isla.

"Hey Av, are you okay." She asks worried.

"Hiya, I'm absolutely fine, but I have something to ask from you." I said dragging it out, to try and beg her.

"Uh huh, I knew this wasn't for a catch up, now what is t you need misses." She asked me teasingly.

"Well, I have a job interview tomorrow morning, and I won't be able to get Charlie up, nor take him to school." I asked, more like pleaded her.

"I would do anything for you, especially if you are going for a job interview. Now come on, get some beauty sleep, and when you have finished that interview, I expect to hear everything out of that little mouth of yours." She said, with a slight tease to her voice.

Once we ended the phone call, it was 9pm, I decided that I should get my sleep before the interview. Changing into my shorts and bra, I slide into my bed, pulling the light duvet up over my shoulders. I let my eyes finally sleep, without thinking of it, my mind drifted to Italian god I had met earlier, wandering if I was ever gonna see Colton again.

Oh I do hope so. I let my eyes drop, with a small smile on my face.


Hiya, thank you so much for reading my book, it means the world to me. I hope you enjoyed it. If you found any mistakes please let me know.

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Okayheels 👌🏻👠

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