| Chapter 3 |

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When we arrived home, there were four letters waiting for each of us. It was just the four of us since my parents had died a couple hundred years ago. They went out with him at  night and they were found in the morning with a Mineralium blade and he had disappeared. Mineralium was the only thing that could kill the gods because it was made from the only thing stronger than them, the stars. It was so scarce that most blades that had Mineralium were only slightly dusted with it, but that was enough.

We all picked our letters up and stared reading.

Dear Venus Winthrop,
You have been selected to participate in the first ever Royal Games. The rules are simple. Each candidate will have to participate in certain events. Since there are so many available candidates, they are separated into colors. There are five groups. You will be represented by the color: Red

You must wear the pin that it given with this letter during all of the official events. After each event the members from your team will be ranked by our board of advisors. The bottom few rankers will be eliminated and the top ranking male and female from each team shall compete in the final round.

The first challenge will be in two days time. We will meet in the Great hall. Training center will be open five days a week. Good Luck!

King Atlas and the Board Of Advisors

This seemed complicated. The ruling class of Ellocia were cunning and ambitious people. You had to put up a strong front for them because they can sense your weaknesses as fast as a light could travel.

"Blue. I'm on the blue team." says Will aster a second

"I got into white." stated Tristan

"I'm in the purple team. How about you Venus? " asks Zivion

"Red team." I answered. Red had always been one of my favorite colors.

I had also gotten a pin with a dazzling ruby fixed in the center and surrounded by iridescent diamonds.

"I got to go keep this safe." I say as I walk back into my room.

I went into my room. It was a beautiful chamber of burnt rose and silver color. I had a four-poster king sized bed with a silk canopy. 

As I went to the dresser I pulled out a big black box. This was where I kept all my important belongings. In it I had a small dagger  that my parents had given me before they died. It had been named Ingenium, or temper. It was made of the fire that had drowned the cruel and beams of the sun that had choked the sinful. It was very surly an almost non-existent material which very valuable hence why I keep it so safe. 

I also had a picture of my family, when my brothers were smiling from the joys of childhood, and my parents were laughing with me. Those days had been a long time ago. The ruby pin was soon added into the collection. 

It had been a hectic and confusing and I decided that it was time to get some rest.

. . . . .


Venus was another type of person itself. She was a storm, taking it's own course and making it's own rules. She was stubborn and too often put herself in front of danger, but she was still by younger sister.

"What do you guys think that the first challenge will be?" stated Will.

"I don't know, but it won't be anything with fighting, it was too soon in the competition for that." Stated Zivion.

"I should ask Edena, she would probably know." 

Edena was the daughter of a very well know cabinet member named Orwin Umberto. We had met along time ago at a cabinet meeting and hit it off. At that time she had been a shy and insecure girl. But, she had grown up to be a cogent and compelling woman that I had loved.

"I'll ask her tomorrow when I see her" I stated

"Yeah, we should got to sleep anyway, it's getting really late" said Will

We went upstairs and I went into my room, a dusky brown colored room with very minimal furniture. I had gotten into my bed and drifted of thinking about the challenges that we would all come to face.

. . . . .


I saw her again, the lady with the magnificent red hair. She was standing across a man that looked just like her. He had the same red hair, roman nose and the sharp jawline. He looked like he hated the girl across him.

"Yes, I can't deny that your strong, but you can't have all the power. Who says that you are fit to be be a queen?" he stated.

"Actaeon, stop. Why are acting like this? What is going on? Are you alright?" stated the red-haired lady in a worried tone.

"Don't put this on me. I'm fine. I just don't think that you are fit for this, you can't rule. You are too easily blinded by emotion and your need to keep everyone safe. You wouldn't be a proper queen." he stated angrily.

The lady looked crestfallen "Actaeon, why are you acting like this? I —"

"Why am I acting like this? I'm not acting like anything. I'm just stating facts, YOU ARE NOT WORTHY TO RULE, ALL YOU HAVE BEEN IS A FOOLISH WOMAN WHO CANNOT HANDLE THE WEIGHT OF THE HEAVENS. " He said with fire in his eyes. He then turned and stomped out.

 And the scene faded

I woke up with a start. I wasn't sure what was happening. I kept getting these visions, but they were more than that. They were like a distant memory of my childhood. But I needed to figure it out soon before something happened. I wanted— no, needed to know who that woman was. She mystified me and we seemed so alike. And I had a feeling that I would see her again soon...

. . . . .
So, I didn't really introduce any characters in this chapter, but there will be more coming up. I'm so exited to write this book, but I want to make sure that you guys want me to. So just drop a vote or a comment and I will try my best to update again. Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter and I will hopefully see you guys next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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