Chapter 28 Andrea!

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Me and Drake spent a lot more time together until he said he had to leave because Andrea was worried about him.

I obviously took that opportunity to murmur a snide remark about how he was so whipped.

He got agitated saying that it's not possible for him to get whipped, because no one controlled him and
la la la.......

The only thing I was excited about was meeting Andrea tomorrow.

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"Lana hurry up they're about to come!" Chloe yelled from downstairs. I was laying on my bed after 3 intense hours of packing for Florida, ever since I had lost the pup my energy had faltered and I needed more rest.

I heard faint footsteps coming up the stairs and my door swinging open. Chloe stood there, arms crossed over her chest as she scowled at me.

She was wearing a long yellow summers dress, her long blonde hair tide into a neat bun, not even a single hair out of place. Her lips were lightly tainted in pink lipstick and she had mascara on, you could see her baby bump begin to show. I felt kind of jealous that I couldn't have that because I lost my pup.

"What the hell, Lana your supposed to be ready by now! You've been excited to meet Andrea since Drake announced she was coming and now your laying on your bed in drags!" Chloe yelled not amused.

"Sorry mother" I replied staring at her playfully as I gave her a sarcastic remark. She came over to my bed and threw a cushion at my head, making me briskly sit up.

"Get your lazy ass up because they're going to be here in about" she looked at her watch "5 minutes" she said pulling me up then sauntering out my room, slamming the door behind her.

Ever since she was pregnant she has been way too hormonal for my liking.

I finally decided to get up walking over to my cupboard and throwing on the first thing that fell out.

I slipped on the black net dress and wore tights underneath, which made the dress stand out 10 times more. I threw on my army boots and let my black hair fall into its usual waves.

I didn't bother with makeup because I didn't wear much anyway.

"Lana your ass better be downstairs in less than 2 minutes!"

"Ok ok I'm coming" I yelled to Chloe, opening my room door and briskly walking down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen the sweet aroma of freshly baked mince pie sneaking up my nose.

Pie was Chloe's specialty, but she only cooks very rarely.

I walked over to the pie grabbing a spoon in the process but before I could get a quick bite, Chloe swatted my arm making me drop the spoon.

"Hey what was that for?" I complained glaring at Chloe, she laughed in response.

"You can't have any pie until Drake and Andrea come" she said picking up the pie and putting it on the other counter.

"I was only tasting it" I complained standing up from the stool and throwing the spoon into the sink.

"That spoon is not just for a taste, it's a bloody table spoon" Chloe said as she began to set the table.

I walked over to her helping her set the table, I began to put the plates and cutlery down.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did" I replied grinning like a mad man.

"Shut up Lana!" She yelled throwing a paper towel at me.

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