Part 3

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High school.The worst year of my life.In first grade there was a girl she was bigger that me i was pretty skinny.She just punched my head on the ground.I dont know what i did to her but shes mean and annoying.She used to call me stupid a lot.And i believe her. Because of her right now i still think that I'm stupid.I act stupid, i look stupid, everything i say is stupid even this thing I'm writing right now i think is stupid every exam that you need to give your own opinion i still think that i most have write something stupid on it.Every time someone ask me something i know that my answers was stupid. Even my friend think I'm stupid even tho he doesn't mean it. He doesn't know whats going throw my head he doesn't know that every time he call me stupid when i go home i cry and cry but we're still friends. Its all her fault. Yeah that same girl that made me cry when she hit my head and call me stupid.

I was maybe nine years old.Me and my mom was walking to Mc Donald and i saw a dog and i taught that she was pregnant i told my mom look shes pregnant.My mom just kept her voice down and set "stupid".And i heard her i became really sad how can a parent even think or say that.Words hurt too you know.People may think I'm a sensation person even tho i am I'm sorry.That same day i was thinking about going to school with a knife.And your wondering why, well i wanted to kill her and her other friends that was bullying me.And i wanted to run away from home so my mom wouldnt beat the sh*t out of me.But thank God i didn't do anything stupid i was still planing to go to school with a knife so they would never have a chance to kick me or even touch me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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