chapter 6

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a few minutes earlier.

As Marco and Kelly were talking they didn't notice that their friends had snuck back into the garden and were spying on them from a nearby tree, as they kept talking Star got a bit deflated as she discovered they were indeed not dating, but was hopeful when Kelly said they might later she had to grab Ponyhead however when Kelly said that she had dated worse. "Calm down Ponyhead, we'll be spotted," whispered Star as Ponyhead fought to get at Kelly. "besides" whispered Tom with a smile"you have dated worse people than Marco."  "yea name one!" Ponyhead hissed at him. Tom smiled wider. "well, there's ...." "Okay," Ponyhead said coldly and turned away from Tom with a sour exasperation on her face. but as she did she accidentally  bumped into Star making her lose her balance and fall out of the tree luckily Marco and Kelly didn't notice however when Star fell out of the tree she landed on someone, Star got up and noticed whom she had landed on "Janna!" she whispered shocked. "what are you doing here?" Janna rubbed her head and smiled. "Ponyhead told me you'd be spying on the lovebirds, so I wanted in." as Tom and Ponyhead climbed down from the tree, Marco and Kelly started to leave, as Star and her friends followed them keeping a short distance from them to avoid being detected they soon noticed the picnic basket "shuttle Star." whispered Tom teasingly Star looked at him "I didn't put that there." Tom raised an eyebrow but said nothing. However as Marco and Kelly opened the basket and started eating the sandwiches in it, something strange happened there eyes became pink and they moved closer together and holding hands. Stars eyes went wide and she looked at Tom who had the same shocked look on his face. "what's going on?" whispered Star to Tom as she fought her fear. "It's almost like the foods drugged or something." whispered Tom back in shock "but who would do such a thing?" whispered Ponyhead. then they all stared at Janna with looks ranging from shock to horror as she giggled and said "look at these dorks" she turned towards her friends with a mocking smile but it vanished when she saw there faces "what?" "Janna how could you?" whispered Star her hands covering her mouth. Janna was confused "what?" "what did you do to the food?" whispered Tom in his demonic voice his eyes glowing red and white. "what? I didn't..." Janna whispered shocked and backed away from Tom as Star and Ponyhead simply looked on both lost for words. "Star, guys I swear. I didn't do anything, I had nothing to do with the picnic, honest! the hooded guy..." "what?" said Tom and Star in union "what guy?" "the guy who dropped off the basket, I thought it was one of Tom's demon friends or something." Janna grabbed Stars hands "Star please believe me. I tease Marco "a lot" but I would never hurt him like that, I swear." Janna looked pleadingly into Stars eyes and Star sight. "I believe you." Janna smiled and hugged Star "uh guys" whispered Ponyhead "if the food is drugged shouldn't we stop them from eating any more of it?" everyone froze as they looked at there two friends as Marco unloaded more food and offered some of it to Kelly. Star gave a high pitch yell as she and her friends ran towards Marco and Kelly. "oh hi guys." said Marco right before Tom tackled him to the ground knocking the food out of his hands. Kelly opened her mouth to protest, when Janna and Ponyhead knocked her to the ground. " whats going on?" yelled Marco as Tom kept him pinned to the ground. "dude, you've been poisoned." answered Tom a look of worry on his face, Marco stopped struggling "what?" he yelled a look of horror on his face as he looked towards Kelly who shared his look. Star grabbed the pick-nick basked and ran to find the nearest guard, when she found him she ordered him to get a doctor and her parents immediately.     

A little while later everyone was gathered in Stars room and Kelly and Marco were being examined by a mewnian doctor. For a few moments everyone was silent, then Ponyhead couldn't stand the silence any longer "so what's wrong with them?" she screamed at the doctor who simply looked at her calmly and said nothing. Ponyhead took a deep breath "what can you do to help them?" she asked calmly with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "nothing" said the doctor and got up to leave. Star gasped "no, no, no, No!" she said and stepped in front of the doctor. "there must be something we can do, I... we are not just gonna let them die." the doctor looked a bit confused "uh, they're not dying, as far as I can tell there fine." as the doctor left Marco and Kelly both let out a soft sight. "she's gonna be fine." Marco thought and stole a glance at Kelly. who at the almost same time thought "he's fine." and looked at Marco. as their eyes meet they both smiled and without realizing it they locked hands. Star looked at Tom with a confused face. But before she could say anything her mother came into the room looking worried "Star what's going on?" she said in a worried tone but as she looked around the room and saw the confused looks on everyone's faces she stopped in her tracks, then she turned to Star "the guards said that someone had been poisoned." "yes." said Star "Marco and Kelly" Moon looked over at them and raised an eyebrow when she saw nothing wrong with them. "they seem fine," she said but when she saw her daughter's face she knew something wasn't right. she sight. "tell me what happened." she said softly. After Star had told her what had happened with the mysterious picknick basket and the effect its content had had on her friends, Moon shook her head. "And where is the basket now?" she asked and Janna who had been sitting on it handed it to her. "you think its magic?" asked Star worried. Moon shook her head. "Star, I doubt that anything is wrong with this basket." Star's face fell "but..." she turned towards her friends who all except Marco and Kelly looked almost as shocked at what queen Moon had said. " they're acting so strange," said Ponyhead but Moon simply shook her head. "you didn't see what we saw, their eyes turned pink" said Tom and stood next to Star. "at least test the basket for magical porperties." he continued and looked pleadingly at queen Moon "oh allright" said Moon after she had goten a magic detecter she turned it on the basket and waited not exspecting to find anything wrong with it. But when the detector flashed deep red her face became one of shock and horror. She ran from the room before anyone could stop her and straight to the Magic High Commission. "We got a problem." "Did Ecipsa escape?" asked Rhombulus and his hands hissed. "no." Moon and he face became hard as she put the basket on the table "someone tried to poison my daughter's friends with magic."

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