beware of the man

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Bradley, Elizabeth and Owen were having a sleepover while a storm was going on but they weren’t nicely tucked up in a warm room no but a barn in Bradley's back yard. It was big and could hold 10-15 people so was fine but they had only torches and body warmer because the winter and come and was no longer the warm, scorching summer. They had just started year 10 and this was a way to celebrate so that’s what they did they had drinks, sweets, crisps and loads more but was bored of all the games they had and have played so Bradley requested to tell spooky, gory and freaking ghost stories but what he didn’t know well any of them know that they were in there own ghost story.

Now Elizabeth may be girl but acts like she is one on the guys but when it comes to ghost stories and horror movie she turns to a whippy girl so you can tell this wasn’t her cup of tea and at a thought of what they could be she went as white as a loaf of bread. And as the gory stories of trout slitting, neck snapping, stabbing, camping stories and much more flowing out of Bradley's and Owen’s  mouth Elizabeth sat quiet and felling sick as she slowly turned whiter and whiter. Elizabeth was normal for anyone but more ghost stories were flowing her pupils dilated and she slowly started to twitch then murmuring but no other kind of normal murmuring oh no a lot worse the murmuring getting louder and louder when the boys heard her sing a rhymes a lot of time difference between each one first came “beware of the man who goes tap, tap, scratch hide before he goes slash, slash, snap!” at this point Bradley and Owen were getting seriously freak out. They both started shouting “snap out of it Lizzie, hello are you there?” “Snap out of it!!!!!” and there was no reply.

Suddenly tap, tap, scratch and it repeated it got louder than quitter and went round the whole barn so they did what the rhyme said 'hide before he goes slash, slash, snap' so they hide under the covers and Lizzie wouldn’t move she was there sat looking straight at them not blinking breathing not talking and no reaction so they tried to move but by the time they tried the taps and scratch were now at the door then had stopped so Owen grabbed Bradleys arm and pulled him under the covers once again the covered their mouths and slightly blocked their noses turned all the torches of which were under the covers but the was some left on directly shining at Lizzie then there were footsteps you like my doll mummy gave me?” silence. Silence. Silence. Then a man’s situate came into view then so did a knife. Then they heard the sound of flesh being cut open and that sound came twice the wheezing and then they saw blood spewing out of her chest and then the shadow moved behind her then snap went her neck and she fell to the floor. Then a chuckle came and not just any chuckle but an evil chuckle then the silence and silent footsteps in the distance they wait a few minutes then peck and cost was clear then they saw Lizzie on the chair with slashes on her throat and her neck lying on one side of her body. They came out from under the covers then they walked over to her and rested her down then she said “beware of the man who goes tap, tap, scratch hide before he goes slash, slash, snap” that shocked them, then no breathe escaped her mouth or nose.

Bradley brushed her hear from her face and kissed her forehead ever so gently then a tear fell from Bradley's eye as he said “stay with me for a while longer, the angles can wait for a little longer” as more tears fell and delicately splash on her cheek as if her face was made out of rose petals. Bradley's tears ran down his cheek then there was a gasp and that came from Elizabeth and with her last breathe she said” good bye Bradley, never forget” then gone. The angles took her soul up to heaven to look over Bradley. Bradley picked Lizzie's head u and placed it on his lap as he confessed to her his feelings for her and Owen just sat there staring, eyes watering.

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