Contract Time

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Nagisa was a real showoff, that was certain. He could not go a day without showing his skills, even when he tried not to - it seeped out of the seams like sand out of a pouch. He couldn't help it, but he was glad it was out of the way for the day - he wouldn't have to worry about his students misbehaving at the moment. They were still a little unsettled due to the, granted a little much, show of-- what would you even call that, actually? Assassin-ness? Assassin-ism? He didn't mean to scare them too bad! But he scared the too much, he supposed, since it's been a grand total of two days since and most of them hadn't spoken a peep, and the ones who did spoke only spoke a couple of words- none of it about the coursework.

They were in third period —— right before their lunch, and the class had been silent. Working on what Nagisa told them to, a textbook full of math and equations to learn. Which, okay, Nagisa despised math, that was a fact. Ever since junior high, it was always too much, but even he could check answers using an answer key.

There was a knock. Once. Twice. Three Times. It was slow and deliberate, almost like a signal. Some students went rigid - terrified, which Nagisa would be too if he though it was a member of the staff, because sometimes teacher's were pricks.

Others were curious - they wanted to know more. Nagisa could tell by when the knocks came - who shrank back in their seats, and who leaned forward to see, to get closer. Only five of his students straightened their posture but refused to look up, they disguised their curiosity better.

Nagisa walked to the door and opened in. It was slow and he could feel the gaze of his students. Once he saw the two people on the other side of the door, however, his grin brightened considerably.

On the other side was Karasuma and Irina.

Irina still looked as beautiful as ever, like that was ever a surprise. Her blonde locks shining even in the horrible lighting, her skin soft and her blue eyes gleaming with mischief and her usual flair. Her clothes were casual, a beige sweater and blue colored jeans. Simple. But for Irina she made it look sexy and chic. She gave a smirk as she struts into the room, her extravagant black heels clacking on the floor as she flipped her hair to the side of her face.

The boys took notice and in a very short amount of time, almost all the boys had nosebleeds, a couple of girls marveled and blushed as well. Irina, regardless of other people's sexuality, made everyone she met instantly like her. It was apart of the charm, the first-look, the cover of the book, to say. The real beauty was getting to know her underneath that gorgeousness, even if only to see the imperfection beneath it.

Karasuma wore his usual emotionless face. As if it would kill him to smile! At least he made an exception today, and smirked at the sight of Nagisa, no doubt holding in a laugh at the way he was dressed, more mature but also a far cry how he looked back in junior high, a kid. He wore the black and white suit per usual, and Nagisa can't remember more than five seperate times Karasuma had dressed casual.

Karasuma rolled his eyes at his wife' antics as she strutted in the classroom, she obviously took their silence as speechlessness. They had been married for a while but regardless, Karasuma couldn't help but chuckle when she managed to make others fall for her beauty and charm like she managed to make him do. She made him fall hard and although brutally slow, for her standards. The only difference with all the other men she seduced was just that - seduction - she was there for him when he fell and made sure to catch him.

Most of the students blushed turning into tomatoes looking at Karasuma, none looking at his hand with a wedding ring - understandably, they were kinda taken with his appearance to focus on his accessories.

Nothing much has changed in the last seven years - except the marriage, of course.

"Ah. Irina-sensei and Karasuma-sensei! I've been expecting you!" The teacher in training said, giving a dazzlingly smile. His class look at the people shocked. Irina and Karasuma look young - and hot. They were his teachers? It was surprising but they tried to keep from looking like gaping fish.

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