Ch 11: Pumpkin?

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"why do you ask?" Luce asked me as she got up from the bed

"no reason" I told her

"Alright" She smiled at me. "I'll be downstairs making breakfast if you need me" She walked out of the room

I got up from my bed and looked for my phone. When I found it I dialed Gray. "Hey flame brain, how are ya?"

"Can we meet? I need to tell you something"

"sure, do you want to meet at the old guild or is that to far?"

"no thats fine, see ya" I got dressed then went downstairs. "I'm going out to meet up with Gray. See you later Luce"

"Ok, See you soon" Lucy continued to cook

--- At The Guild ---

i pulled in front of the guild and saw Juvia and Gray siting at the bench. "Oi flame brain, what did you want to talk about? And is it alright if Juvia is here?"

"It's ok, I just need to tell someone this, but you both can't tell anymore, not even Lucy!"

I began to tell them of what happened last night. "What if it was a dream or a prank?"

"I don't think so, I'm going to go back tonight and I want you, Gray, to come along"

Juvia looks worried "Juvia has a bad feeling about this" Juvia said

--- Whoo Now It's Night ---

"Gray, I'm on my way there"

"Hurry up, it's cold and you have the key so I can't go in"

Five minutes later I finally arrived. I saw Gray with nothing but his boxers on. "No wonder you're cold" I said as I walked towards the front door

"what do you mean?" I pointed at him, he looked down. "Not again!!" He quickly ran to his car and put his clothes on. "I brought my camera so we can record if anything happens"

We walked inside. "What happened?" Everything was gone besides a TV and a mirror. "This is creepy..."

"Do you know if anyone has bought the house?"

"No one has even came by to look at it yet" Just then we heard a rolling sound. I made a flame in the palm of my hand to help us see. "look, it's a bottle"

We walked over to the bottle and saw a rolled up piece of paper inside, Gray froze the glass which made it shatter. 'why couldn't he just open the top?' "Here, you read it" He handed me the paper

"Why? You afraid popsicle"

"As if ash-for-brains!" He took the paper then unfolded it. "I'll read it since I'm clearly the bravest out of us both! Long time no see Gray... Wait what?! Natsu are you doing this?"

The TV turned on and it was just static but a song was playing, more like Lucy singing? "Thi-this is the song L-Lucy sang at our wedding!" Then the TV went off. "continue to read the note"

"Long time no see Gray, I really miss you all but you have to leave or she will kill you like she did to Erza, Jellal and me. - L"

"Wait Jellals alive though, right?" Gray asked me. "And who's L?"

Ring Ring~

I got a text from Un/L "Who is it?" Gray looked at my phone. "L? This L person has been texting you?"

"Ya...? Remember I told you and Juvia both?"

"Oh~ Um... Just what did he/she say?"

N- Huh? WHY?

"Start the camera and let's go!" I told Gray

We ran outside and got into my car. "Remember, tell no one!" I took him home then drove myself home

When I opened the door I saw Nashi, Nash, and Luce watching '12 years promise' while eating blueberries. That's weird, Lucy use to hate blueberries? "Welcome home Pumpkin" Wait, pumpkin?

"Pumpkin?" Isn't that what-- NO it can't be!

"Um, sorry I uh meant to say Love... " She nervously laughed and got up. "Well uh, good night?"

"Ahh~ don't go! You're way more fun to hang out with than dad!" Nashi said

"Hey, I'm fun to hang out with! Remember when we all played call of duty together?" I'm super fun to be with, what does she know?!

"All I remember is Nashi and I were playing call of duty while you played candy crush on your phone"

Luce started to laugh. "Awe, I love you all so much! How about I make some popcorn and we can watch a horror movie??"

"Bet!" Nashi shouted. "Best mom ever!!"

Mom? I mean she is their mom but they hardly know her? Ah whatever, as long as they're happy I'm happy

[Lucy POV]

"Ugh, I need to watch what I say!"

Beep beep~

Again? Why does she keep texting me?!

Un- Almost blew your cover huh?
L- Leave me and my family alone!
Un- Haha! They won't love you when they find out who you are and what you did, little advise the Dragneel family doesn't lose! 😘

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