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Time marches on, and the world turns and spins through space for eternity. Millennium upon millennium has past, the new has become old and the old has become new once more. And the planet has changed. Mankind was broken and made and broken once again. Creatures have become extinct and were replaced by others that are extinct now.

There are myths of legends containing tiny traces of what happened to the once mighty race of the humans that has now sunk to the level of what they are today. These was that there was a war the killed half the worlds populace ground ripping shake. Mankind had nearly decimated itself in one day, or so it is said. But they pulled themselves from the wreckage that they had wrought for themselves.

Time moved on and they forgave themselves for what they had done to each other, an age past. Mankind had rebuilt to what they were once more. Then a falling star crashed into the face of the planet and exterminated all but a few hundred thousand survivors. Time moved onwards, and ice age grew from the dust that the meteor had thrown into the air.

But with this meteor came something new, an element that would changed the human society for years and ages to come.

Mankind burrowed from the falling star. They spend hundreds of years under the ground, hiding from the death that they had escaped eons ago. They kept their lights alight and their computers turning and their history alive, but this all would pass still.

The returned to the surface or so history tells us, due to losing the power that they had kept going since the creator of the power had come to being. Their skin blister and their eyes burnt, but they were determined to live on the surface of the planet that they knew as their own. Many died trying to reclaim the glory of the sun, but eventually they succeeded though some stayed behind in the pits that saved their race from the extinctions that would have befallen them. Trying to re-ignite the power that once powered the great stored of knowledge. The people within had lost the ability to keep these machines in running order and thusly they had to start again from the knowledge had been passed down through the family.

All over the planet people where coming out of their hiding places, emerging and struggling to live in a place that had long forgotten their existence. Many failed, and the machines of old where lost to the people who now lived upon the surface.

The planet that they knew had changed in their absence, the theory of punctual equilibrium was correct and species of creature had come into being that they could never have thought possible. Many accredit the rapid evolution to the property of the meteors elements, others claim that the second great death never happened by falling star, but the people who were left behind died of a massive plague, and that humans long ago stoped the changing of animals to keep atop the food chain. The once great cities that stood and held the words populace had all but been erased from the vestiges of history and be replaced with deserts and plains and forests.

Then came the day mankind would be changed for eternity. They found a rock that had come down with the rain of fire, people had worshiped this rock. Till the fateful day that a person touched the rock, a burst of light flared from the rock and the person had claimed that he had seen the future, he claimed that people would one day manipulate energies through these stones. He was claimed a high priest of the holy rock and was deemed appropriate to wear sacred blue socks as a sign of his high authority. He worked for years with little success at trying to break the secret that was held with these rocks and died before he had any success.

Time continued along the tracks, many priests tried to break the secret of the rock, until a young man cracked the code. He had found a way to manipulate the power of the rock. He found more of these rocks, though smaller by far then the rock that was originally found. He claimed that the power was unlocked via the mind, and that prolonged work with these rocks would let the power build to a certain extent. He trained as many people he could in the art of working with these rocks, many failed to even access the energies and many of the ones that did manage to be able to access them could not control them and died

He named the rocks mesmryium, due to the psionic activation these rocks granted.

And thus a practice was formed that had many positive influences, it was able to be used to heal people, to predict the future and to find herds to hunt and to learn that they weren't the only people on the planet. The stones helped people find other survivors and to reconnect with them. Trade routes were established, and the skill of using the stones was taught to any who had the ability to learn the skills needed.

But the humans could not resist the things that they had been ingrained into them since the dawn of time. They turned the power these stones granted into weapons. War broke lose amongst the survivors. It has been that way ever since. With the discovery that these stones could be turned into weapons the original stone was hidden from the power hungry humans by the person who discovered its powers. Never to be seen again.

It is now present day; the wars of old have died down... though nations still keep arms ready. Small skirmishes happen throughout the border lands of the nations.

Iron has been rediscovered in the search for more mesmryium

The people who worked the power of mesmryium have been ostracized for fear and remembrance of what they did during the wars beforehand. We call ourselves Psion's because the old myth of people who tried to use their minds to do the same things we now do. We have separated into 3 groups.

The makers... these people work with mesmryium, making them more powerful than they would be if they were left in their raw form, though limiting what they can do.

The healers and clairvoyants... people who heal and search. These people aren't as reliant on mesmryium as any other psion once their ability is fully fledged.

The war Psion's... we are hired by whoever pays the highest price to join their army and fight their wars for them. We rely on mesmryium as a conduit for the mass of energy that is needed in combat.

My name is cynder... I am a war Psion, this is my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2010 ⏰

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