Chapter 7- Hopefully Tomorrow Goes Well.

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Chapter 7- Hopefully Tomorrow Goes Well.

Serena Diamond

I arrived at mama Joyce house, & I'm still outside her door, wondering & thinking how she will talk to me about this whole me & Chris situation. Yes, she doesn't know about Chris & I separation at all, i haven't told her & i know for sure that Chris' ass hasn't told her yet either.

Looks like imma have to be the two adults in this situation, & just tell mama about everything myself. I opened my car door & walked over to the boot grabbing all of Kadens' things that i bought him from Kroger. I closed the boot & locked my car with the keys. taking the path through the flowery walk way leading to her door, kinda started to get a little nervous for the half of it. 

i rang the doorbell a couple of times before stepping back, felling a little happy, since that i get to see my baby again, after a long while. i shook my head at the thought that i haven't came & visited my baby for a wile all because of the whole Chris & I' situation. 

The door slowly opened & there she was, the beautiful Mama Joyce herself, she really reminds me of my mom a lot, that's why i love her so much. I just stood there nervously tapping my foot, as i held the bags tighter in my hands. Starting at her, as she gave me mixed signals.

"Baby girl, I've missed you so much!" Mama said, pulling me into an unexpected hug. I smiled a little as i hugged her back.

"Hey mama, i missed you to." I spoke as we were still embraced in the hug.

"MWOMMY!" i heard his little voice which made me smile even more. i let out of the hug & saw his little body running to me.

"Kaden!" I dropped the bags that where in my hands & picked him up as he jumped into my arms.

"I mwissed ywou swo mwuch mwama." He spoke with lots of excitement, as he wrapped his little tiny arms around my neg, hugging me with a strong grip.

"Awe, my baby, mommy missed you more." I said, as a little tear ran down my cheek. He took his little finger & wiped it away, i cracked a smile on my face & kissed his cheek.

I looked a little to my right to were the kitchen was leaded to & saw Mama Joyce putting the bags on the counter. I walked in there holding Kaden on my hip as he played with my necklace.

"Mama, you didn't have to carry these bags in here, i would have done that." i softly spoke.

"No baby, its ok, you were reuniting with your son." She smiled at me, as she continued to cook what she was cooking.

"You need help?'' I asked.

"Actually yes, i mean im done but, could you help me set up the table." 

"Ok, just give me a second, lemme give Kaden his stuff." I grabbed his stuff from off of the table & started walking up the stairs into his room that is actually Chris old one.

"Kaden i got you stuff." i spoke to him as his face lit up. He started jumping up & down clapping and mumbling shit to himself, wow my baby really has grown, heehee hes so cute. 

As we reached into his room i placed the bags on his bed. he quickly jumped out of my arms & hurriedly started going threw his stuff. He picked out one of his favorite action figures ever since last mouths Christmas that hes always wanted.

"Thank ywou swo much mommy! I wuv ywou swo much!" He jumped up & down as he began to play with his action figure. He ran away off to somewhere all happy & bubbly, as i was taking out & folding the rest of his stuff.

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