Dare 26: Marragie

604 10 29

^^(Idk how to spell DX)

Madi: Okay next dare is for Denis and Alex

Alex: Ooo, double dare

Madi: @dalexandorlfanrules dares you two to get married :3

Denis: What?!

Corl: But-

Sketch: Haha

Sub: ;-;

Alex: Well, a dares a dare...right

Denis: Wrong!

Sketch: Wait, didn't Denis already propose to Corl though?!

Corl: That's true! In dare 6 you proposed to me!

Sub: Well, now he has to propose to Alex because you can't get married unless you've proposed ;/

Sketch: Nerd...

Sub: Shut up

Denis: But I don't want to marry Alex

Sub: But a dares a dare! So you have to do it

Alex: Who said we had too?

Sketch: This is a dare book you know...

Denis: Fine, whatever

Angie: But Dorl needs to happen ;-;

Sub: Well, it's too late now

Sketch: Looks like it's all about that Dalex

Alex: Well, we need a ring

Corl: Here...just take mine

Denis: I guess I gotta do this over again *sighs*

Sketch: Well?

Denis: *gets down on one knee* Alex...will you marry me

Alex: Yes...

Sketch: Aww

Sub: Ew

Sketch: Heh, you're acting like me now

Sub: Double ew

Sketch: Triple ew

Sub: Frik off

Sketch: :P

Madi: Well, now you gotta get married

Denis: Alright

Sub: I'll be the guy in the middle who gets you two married (Idk what they're called XDD)

Alex: Mkay

Corl: I'll be Denis' wingman

Sketch: And I'll be Alex's wingman

Denis: Wow, it's like you guys planned this or something

Corl: No, when just think fast and do it

Sketch: That made no sense

Corl: Yeah, to you

Sketch: Shut up

Sub: Don't start

Alex: Hurry so we can get this over with!

Sub: Do you Denis, take Alex to be your husband?

Denis: I do

Sub: and do you Alex, take Denis to be your husband

Alex: I do

Sub: Oki, you two may kiss

Alex: Uhm...

Denis: *kisses Alex*

Sketch: Ew

Sub: Shut up

Sketch: Shut down

Sub: I hate you -_-

Sketch: I love you :3

Sub: Hey that's my line!

Denis: *stops kissing Alex* Wow...

Alex: I have no words...

Sketch: I have some! Ew, ew, and ew

Sub: You look ew

Sketch: Whatever

Corl: Well, guess you teo are a thing now

Sketch: Yup!

Sub: At least Sketch can get with Corl now ;))

Sketch: For the love god, I do not like Corl!

Sub: Mhm

Corl: I think you to should be a thing! Skub

Sub: No, Skorl

Sketch: How about neither?! I hate you two out of the rest of the Pals

Sub: We love you too :3

Sketch: I. hate. you

Sub: I. love. you

Alex: Can you two stop?

Sketch: Can you go?

Sub: Are you slow?

Denis: Wow...why am I still friends with you

Sketch: The question I ask myself everyday

Denis: Especially you

Sketch: Waaa! What did I do!

Denis: Everything!

Sketch: Mhm

Madi: Okay, we gon leave this off here! More daresss! (This book is getting crazy)

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