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Katherine's p.o.v
"What was that about?" Lauren asks when I finally catch up with her "She walked into me, and was apologizing" I say "Why don't you just tell her?" She asks "First of all, she has a boyfriend and secondly, it's easier to just secretly be in love with her" I say and Lauren rolls her eyes "Okay, but say her and Nick break up" She says "That's never going to happen" I say as we walk to choir, which I have with Christina, Lisa, and my two younger sisters, Amy and Dani. "Kath. Dani won't stop following me" 16 year old Amy says coming up to me "Ames, she's 14 and it's first year of highschool give the kid a break" I say "She's been in highschool for" She stops to count on her fingers "Seven months" I say rolling my eyes "Yeah, and it's time for her to branch out" She says "Be nice to Dani, or I'm going to tell a certain someone you like them" I threaten, I'd never actually do that, but she seems to think I will, so whatever works, right? "Fine" She groans walking away "Sisters" I say shaking my head "You know what amazes me?" Lauren asks "What?" I ask grabbing my folder from the thingy that holds them "She still believes you'll tell him" Lauren says and I just shrug. You know how most girls are either an alto or a soprano? Yeah well I'm right in between I can sing pretty high, but I can also sing pretty low. Christina the person whom I happen to be crushing on, is also that way. So we're kinda in our own group. Not that we ever actually talk, but ya know. "I need a volunteer to sing the solo part on page 3" Our choir teacher says, seeing as nobody else raises their hand I slowly raise mine "Katherine?" He asks and I nod "Go ahead" She says and I take a deep breath before starting to see the part.
Christina's p.o.v
"Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change, if perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same. So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say" She sings, and I feel like she's staring at me the whole time. No, I'm probably just imagining things. Everybody claps and she smiles coming back to her spot next to me "That was amazing" I say just loud enough for her to hear "Thanks" She says "Okay everyone back to page one! Katherine, please sing the solo part when we get to it" Our Choir teacher says and Katherine nods. How is one person so fricking perfect?
Oooo someone's in love

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