Chapter 6

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I was downstairs with Kelly, Mac, and Stella as Kelly and Mac discussed the frats. While they were doing that, I was texting Margot. She kept bragging about how the guy she went out with a few weeks ago is now her boyfriend and she also keeps bragging about the "awesome" first time they had together. I then heard something that made me look up from my phone. "You need to grow up, okay? Our family is in danger."Kelly said. "Technically, it's only Mac who's in danger. Not us." Kelly gave me a look and I just looked back down at my phone. They kept continuing their argument so I just walked outside. Next thing I know, Kelly has Stella's bag and Stella and stormed outside. "Kelly, what's going on?"I asked as she came out. "I'm leaving him and taking Stella with me. You wanna come too or stay?"she asked. I looked at Stella and saw how upset she was. "I'm going with you. But not because I'm taking sides or anything. It's because you are vulnerable right now and I'm going for your and Stella's sake."I said while grabbing the bag from her. "All right. Let's go." We walked towards the car and I put the bag in trunk and she put Stella in her seat. I closed the trunk and glanced towards Teddy with an irritated look before getting in the car. We then drove off. We ended up at Paula's house and there was a knock on the door. I looked towards Kelly, Paula, and Stella before getting up and answering the door. It wasn't who I expected. It was Margot. She pushed herself in and I closed the door. "What are you doing here?"I asked her. "You broke the "best friend code"."she stated. I gave her a look. "I know I didn't break any of the rules that we made up, so how did I break any?"I asked. She then reached into her bag and pulled out the 'Best Friend Code' book we had made when I first moved here and went immediately to the last page. "Code number 90 states that if any one of the "best friends" is dating a new guy then said "best friend" is thereby required to tell the other "best friend" that the "best friend" is dating someone and is also required to tell the "best friend" who he is."she stated. There was another knock on the door Paula went to answer it. "You got some explaining to do, missy."Margot stated while pointing her finger accusingly at me. I turned and saw that Mac was at the door. They began their apologies to each other while Margot and I continued to argue. "Why are you even here, Margot?" "Teddy sent me to see if you were okay. God I can't believe you didn't tell me. You're supposed to be my best friend." "What are you even talking about? I am your best friend, Margot."I told her. She placed her hands on her hips. "Really? Well if you were really my best friend, then you would have obeyed Code number 90 and told me that you and Teddy are together!"she shouted. "WHAT?!?!" I pulled out my phone and texted Teddy a warning. 'They know about us now.'


The entire ride home was filled with Margot glaring at me, Kelly and Mac talking all lovey-dovey, and when they weren't talking like that, they were interrogating me. Teddy and I kept texting each other about the situation that Margot put us in. 'Just because they know, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop.'he texted. I rolled my eyes. 'I never said you had to stop. All I'm asking is that, and I'm gonna ask them the same thing, you take it down a peg. Okay?' I didn't get a reply for another few minutes. I felt my phone buzz and saw that it was Teddy. 'I'll try. Can't promise anything.' 'That's all I ask.'


"Did you really have to threaten them? I mean threatening them alone is enough, but bringing Stella into it? That is crossing a line, Teddy."I yelled at him as we sat in my room. Stella was napping in the her room, but honestly I am too mad to care. "Why are you fighting with them about now?"I asked. "They tried to destroy the fraternity." "Who cares? It's just a fraternity, okay? It's not life or death." "Well then what am I supposed to do, huh? Let them try to destroy one of the only things I have that I actually like? Because I guarantee that if we do let them destroy it the next thing they will try to destroy is us, okay? Honestly, this is the most honest and real relationship that I have ever been in and I'll be damned if I let them take you away from me."he yelled. "Teddy, why are you acting like this? It's not like I'm going to let them rip us apart." "I'm acting like this because I'm scared, okay?" He was scared? "Why are you scared?"I asked as I was finally calm. He started breathing heavily. "I'm scared because I love you, alright?" He loves me? I smiled and walked up to him and placed my arms around his neck. His arms immediately wrapped around my waist. "I love you too, but why does loving me scare you?" He started looking around the room then looked back at me. "Do you know what I thought when I first saw you, Kia?" I shook my head. "I thought 'God, she is so beautiful' and 'I have to meet her.' And it wasn't until I heard you laugh for the first time the night we went dancing that I realized that I was falling in love with you and it wasn't until I kissed you that same night that I realized that I wasn't just falling in love with you. I realized that I already was in love with you. From the moment I first saw you, I was already hopelessly in love with you."he said. I smiled as I fought back tears. "I'm hopelessly in love with you too. But I still don't understand why it scares you so much."I said as I ran my thumb over his cheek. "I'm scared because today I realized that I am scared for the future. I'm scared because when I look at your aunt and uncle I see us. I see how much they love each other. How they would sacrifice everything for each other and how they work together. I'm also scared because every time I look over through your guys' living room window, literally every time I look over there, I see your aunt and uncle with Stella and I can't help but imagine that being us one day in the future with our kid. I mean moving in together, one day actually getting married, and maybe one day having a kid of our own. I want all of that with you. I want a future with you. But the thing I'm scared about the most is that every time I think about any of those things, I also think about how easily it can all be ripped away."he confessed. I kissed him and we stayed like that for a few minutes before we both needed breath. "I want those things with you too, Teddy. And no matter what, I know that we both will make sure all of that happens for us. And as long as we're confessing, there's somethings I want you to know too." "What's that?" "Well, there's actually three things. When I was a kid, I had already knew that back then I didn't want to get married or have kids because of the horrible example my parents set, but when I actually started having feelings for you I couldn't help but want all of that. When I first saw you, I didn't know what to think actually. The final thing is that even though we don't know what the future holds for us, there is one thing I do know." "What is it?" "It's that the only person I see myself with in the future is you." He smiled and kissed me full on. The only reason we broke the kiss is because we heard Stella crying over the baby monitor. I glanced from the baby monitor to Teddy. "You want practice for the future?" He chuckled and nodded. "I hope you know that I'm still doing the pranks." "Oh, I know."

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