Chapter 1

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===Foxy's POV===

      Heavy rain falls from above. Covering the world around me in a blanket of water. It covers my body, soaking my clothes, hair, and mood. This clouds overhead cover up any light from the sun in a thick grey covering. The rain seems to break on the ground like thunder, growing louder with each drop.
I stand in the middle of it all. The wind and rain. My eyes glazed over and dead. Wondering around in the storm of my mind, the heavy winds and rain of my thoughts. But I stop when I see a figure walking slowly towards me from out of the fog and mist. The silhouette of a man takes form as he comes closer and closer with every step. I stop still. Almost waiting for the man to come. Within moments he's towering over me. His face covered in a vale shadow. Kneeling down, the man rests a hand on my shoulder. His touch is so familiar and comforting. A strike of lighting brightens up the shadows face, revealing my father.

      "Dad?" I say, awestruck and speechless. He just smiles at me and says something under his breath. But his words are lost in the thunder of the rain. Once he finishes speaking he takes stance and begins to walk away into the fog and mist as I yell after him. His shadow fading off into the distance as I scream after him.


      With a sudden jolt, I wake up in my bed. Cold sweat covering my forehead, dripping off my face, and my heart racing out of my chest. My yelling echoing off into the snowy silent night. Tears stream down my face as my dad's face remains stuck in my mind, frozen in space. Noticing I'm gripping my sheets till my knuckles were white, I release my grasp and swing my legs over the side of my bed. Covering my face with my hands. I stand and shakily walk towards the bathroom.
     I squint my eyes at the sudden flood of light and sigh as I stare at the figure in the mirror. Golden eyes glow from under shadows cast by blood crimson hair. I hate these eyes. The burden he's given me. I don't hate or resent him, I just don't like seeing him whenever I see myself. With much care, I place my hand over the scar  and feel for it. Making sure it still remains a reminder. I trace the outline of it then cover it back up.
      Cold water runs through the faucet and through my hands as I splash it onto my face. It's been nine years since then. Since dad died. Mom shut down when it happened, and I had to often fend for myself as well as take any job I could just for a little extra money. We moved away from that little house not a month ago. I guess mom couldn't stand it anymore. It must be hard... seeing him every time she looks at me. Seeing the face of the man she loved, the man that was killed.
      Then again I'm left in a deafening silence. I shut off the bathroom lights. The shadows covering every wall and dancing in what pale moonlight there is. A feeling washes over me as I stand in the shadows of the dark. Something like a ghost standing at the back of the room, and I hate it.
      I wrap the covers around myself and hug them close to me as I try to fall asleep again. Feeling the press of the mattress against my body as I toss and turn.

      When I wake up to the early rays of the morning streaming in through the my window, it's five thirty two. I toss and turn for a couple more minutes before I actually get up for school. Doing a little stretch before grabbing a red shirt and black pants as well as my black hoodie that hangs off my door handle. The dream seeming to invade my every thought.
      The house is quiet in the morning. Mom isn't up yet and there aren't many cars out on the streets. And I'm able to eat breakfast in peace. I enjoy the quiet. Just the way is can be an unexpected solace or completely deafening. Though no amount of solace could prepare me for today. No amount of anything could save me from the hell of today. I've always hated school, even the idea of school. The only thing that makes it worse is having to join a school during the middle of the year. No one wants to have to deal with a new kid, or wants to be friends with a new kid. Especially if that new kid is as much of and introvert as I am.
The thought of this angers me. People are so prideful and self obsessed. Worried more about appearances rather than the character of a person. Ugh. Enough trying to overthink stuff and get to school already.

(Canceled) Before I Shatter (FNAF Highschool) (Book 1 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now