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===Foxy's POV===

I can't see. I can only hear the sounds of the rain falling and the sirens off in the distance. I can't see. I can only feel the slick blood that coats my hands and the lifeless body that lays before me. I can't see. I can only smell the overwhelming scent of metal that hangs heavily in the air, mixing with the natural smell of the rain. Why can't I see? 

"-f-foxy?" I hear a soft, soothing voice call my name quietly as a hand rests on my shoulder. Suddenly I'm able to see. I'm able to see the gruesome scene I caused. I see the blood creeping towards me. I can see the lifeless eyes of Springtrap, and watch as the color slowly fades from his face. Blood slowly creeps out his mouth and I can't stand the sight of it. 

"no...no... No. No. NO. NO!" I begin screaming as I fall backward and start crawling away until I'm far enough away that his blood can't reach me. I stare at my hands and find them covered in the thick, viscous substance I hate. I've always hated the sight of blood. The sight repulses me and I can't help but get sick. Mangle approaches me slowly, trying to comfort me but I don't let her touch me. I can't let her dirty her hands with my filth. I can't let her get this blood on her hands. I can't I won't.
At this point two police cars screech to a halt and four officers get out, one of them being Mangle's father. They slowly approach me, three of them with their weapons drawn, but Mangle's father doesn't draw his gun. Instead, he passes by Springtrap's body and towers over me with a judgemental and condescending look on his face.

"Look at what you've done." He commands, but I can't. I can't look at what I've done. "I said look at what you did!" He commands again, but even still I don't.

"Dad stop!" Mangle pleas, but she is soon silenced.

"This doesn't concern you Mangle! We'll talk about this back at home! And you!" He turns attention back to me, grabbing me by my collar. "Do you have any idea what you've just done? You just killed another man!"


"What did you just say? Can you not see it right there! Can you not see the man you just killed?" He recoils a little and drops my collar when I finally look over at him. My eyes cold and dark. Emotionless. Blank.

"I can see... but I didn't kill him... I protected your daughter." I killed Springtrap to protect Mangle. I didn't even stop to think of the consequences. I didn't stop to think of what would happen to me. What would happen to Mangle. I just pulled the trigger. I just took another life. He was right about me... I'm a monster.


It's been a couple of months now. Since I killed Springtrap. Since I killed for Mangle. I was taken to court but wasn't convicted. I got off with acting in the defense of another, but I don't buy that. I wasn't acting in defense. I was acting purely for Mangle. Never would I have ever thought that I was capable of throwing everything away for someone. Never would I have ever thought that I was capable of killing again. But since I killed Springtrap I've received some clarity.

I step out of my front door into the warm summer air. I graduated not too long ago, so I'm now officially done with high school. I applied at a number of different colleges, but haven't had much of a chance to look at the letters I received back. Soon. I'll get around to that soon.

I haven't seen much of Mangle recently. Ever since that day I haven't seen her. Not because of her father, but because I told her not to come and see me. I needed time to think. I needed time to come to terms with what I did. I can only imagine the hell she's going through right now. I know I've had to go through hell again.

There is regret in my heart for what I did. I never wanted to kill him. I never wanted to take another life. Even if that life was Springtrap's. I think about him a lot. His final words to me. Take care of her. Somewhere deep down I think he really did care about Mangle. That he really did love her. But he was so clouded by jealousy and hatred that it went from being love to being an obsession. He was lost and I took away any chance he had at redemption by taking his life. I see his face everywhere I go and every time I close my eyes. His memories haunt my every dream. I can't even sleep at night. All because I had to pull that trigger.

"Foxy." I'm pulled away from my thoughts. I stop in my tracks and look up to where Mangle stands. I want to smile. I want to be happy to see her, but all I see is the man I killed. "I know you said you needed space. I know you said that you needed to think but I can't take this anymore. I miss you. I love you." 

"It's not fair." I say pushing my hair out of my eyes and staring up at the sky. "It's just not fair."

"What? What's not fair."

"Just when I've become happy. It all has to be taken from me."

"Foxy what are you talking about? You're worrying me." Bringing my eyes back to Mangle I stare into her soul with loved filled eyes.

"I'm sorry Mangle. But I can't do this. I can't be with you." Her expression turns to shock and confusion so I continue. "I can't be with you, because it's not fair to either of us."

"What are you talking about! Foxy please explain this to me!" She pleas with sorrow starting to weigh on her heart. I hate myself for what I'm about to do to her.

"I can't even look at you without seeing him!" I shout, my heart breaking as the words leave my lips. "How is that fair to me? It's not! And how can I be with you and treat you like you deserve when all I can see is the man I killed! That's not fair to you!" Tears begin to stream down her cheeks as I continue to break both of our hearts. "Mangle I'm afraid of what I'm capable of. I killed Springtrap without hesitation because I know that it would make sure that you'd be safe! If I can kill someone for you then God knows what else I'm capable of!"

"foxy... please don't...please don't do this." She begs, but it's already too late.

"I love you Mangle. But this is the end of us..." I turn around to head back inside, but she refuses to give up and hugs me from behind.

"please foxy. I can't live without you... please. I need you. please don't do this." She says crying into my back, but my mind has already been made up.

"You lived without me before... You can do it again."

"I can't! I need you!"

"I'm sorry Mangle, but I can't be with you."

"Please don't!" I finally break away from her grasp and look her into the eyes for the last time.

"Goodbye Mangle."

(Canceled) Before I Shatter (FNAF Highschool) (Book 1 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now