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'OK lets do this.'

You were standing in front of the new highschool you would be attending

a amazing school that teaches the students in to become the next top hero's
With high quality items and only the beast of the beast teacher, also know as pro hero's

this was going to be your school for the next 4 to 3 years, if you were to be lucky in of to not get into trouble that will get you expelled.

With one confident move you slid the door open to class 1A 'The Hero Department'

"What do you think your doing!? Get your feet off the desk!!"

"Uh!? Who do you think you are bossing me around extra!"

"What the... Is this really 'The Hero Department'?"
Not wanting to be involved you carefully walked past them not wanting to be seen by any of them

After sneaking by you found a site in the back of the class in its own row it was basically screaming

'Site on ME!!!'

You seat down and looked at the two men who were still fighting

'Well since I don't know there names all call the one with glasses 'rule follower' and the one with ash blonde hair 'idiot'

After a few seconds of them still arguing like a old married couple that just got divorced a boy with big puffy hair came in the class and the two stopped fighting

'Oh they finally stopped fighting.'

Since the boy with the green puffy hair was now talking to the boy with glasses you couldn't get a clear look at him

"Parton me but is any one sitting here?"

You were now looking at a boy with hair split into red on the left and white hair on the right with one blue and one brown

"Oh...Um...no good ahead its all yours..."
'God dammit his hottttttttt.......'

The said boy took the site that was in front of you as you two said nothing after that

"if your here to make friends I suggest you look somewhere else."

A man with black untamed hair in a yellow sleeping bag and with bags under his eyes said laying in front of the door

"It took you all to quiet down in 8 seconds, life is short, you all lake it."

'Who does he think he is saying that??'

"Am your home room teacher, Aizawa shouta."

He took out a outfit that was a one piece clothing, blue, white and it bit of red were on the one piece clothing

"Put this on and meet me on the field"
He said lazily as he started walking alway

"I wonder what were going to do..."
Said Y/N as they looked at the teacher and started to follow just like everyone else


"Your going to be doing a qurik test."

the class said in shock looking at the teacher with big eyes

"but what about the speech for all the first years!"

The girl next to you said she had short brown hair but some of it was a little bit longer then the rest

"if you ever want yo be a pro hero you don't have time for such things, know am guessing you all took a test in your old schools, this is like that but your allowed to use your qurik."

'If I use my qurik at a rite amount of power then a might place first but...'

Y/N then looked a every one

'I don't really know what there capable of .'



Sup itz meh what's up OK so tell me what you think also the next chapter will be a lot longer than this one OK thanks for reading!

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