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     I look at the clock, 10 more minutes. 10 more minutes until school is over. 10 more minutes until I see (Y/n). 10 more minutes.
     A student walks up to my desk, today's her first day. Although, it's not our first day knowing each other. Her name's Melanie, Melanie Martinez. I've known her all her life. Melanie moved away but recently moved back.
    "Mr. Urie, you seem nervous. Why is that?" She smirks, her hair making her look like a doll.
     I roll my eyes & smile, "Go do your work Melanie, or I won't let you help with (Y/n)." I respond.
     Melanie fake gasps & scatters back to her desk. I laugh, but quickly stop when the bell rings.
     My heart starts to race, it's actually happening. What if (Y/n) gets freaked out that I'm her 23 year old teacher?!


     The bell rings & I leave my last class to my locker. As if clockwork, when I open my locker a folded note falls out & onto the floor. I reach down & pick the paper up. I open it & begin to read the neatly written note.
     'Happy birthday gorgeous! You're turning 18 years old today! How amazing is that? Anyways, it's finally time. Meet me in Mr. Urie's class in 5 minutes. Although, I won't be in there yet, only Mr. Urie. See you in a bit beautiful!'
     I smile & put the note back in my locker then close it. After taking a deep breath, I walk to Mr. Urie's classroom.


     I hear knocking & my heart begins to race again.
     "Holy shit she's here." I whisper to myself.
     I walk over & take a deep breath before opening the door. I smile at (Y/n) & let her into the room. When she's in I close the door.
     "Brendon will be here shortly. Although, I need to do something quite awkward first." I say to her. It felt weird to talk about myself as if there's 2 of me but I'm getting used to it.
     (Y/n) furrows her eyebrows confused, "what do you have to do?" She asks.
     I hold up a black blindfold, "I have to blindfold you, he wants me to. I know it sounds very, very weird but trust me, I'm not going to do anything." I give her somewhat of a promising smile.
     She replies with an 'okay' & I put the blindfold on her, tying it not too tight. I help walk her to a seat & she sits down.


     I sit there patiently, my heart beating ridiculously fast. 'I wonder what Brendon looks like. Hopefully cute like Mr. Urie... Is it rude to have expectations? Yeah, probably.' I think to myself.
     I hear the door open & I nearly cry, it's actually happening! I feel a hand on my shoulder, I shiver from the cold touch.
     "Don't take the blindfold off until I say so, got it?" I hear... Melanie?
     Melanie's a girl I met a month ago. She's the second person I've told about Brendon. Melanie's really kind & unique, she reminds me of a pastel emo princess doll. I didn't know Brendon knew her too.
     I nod & take another deep breath. My heart practically stops when I hear someone start to play he guitar, Brendon.
     I start to tear up when I realize the melody sounds familiar. I've known this song for as long as I can remember.
     "Wise men say, only fools rush in..." he sings oh so softly.
     "But I can't help, falling in love with you.." his voice is so amazing... & familiar.
     "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?" Oh hell yeah you can stay! I giggle at my own thought.
     "If i cant help, falling in love with you..." is this who I think it is? ((Yes you moron))
     "Darling so it goes" Thats why he was so scared to confront me...
     "some things, are meant to be..." thats why he's so close with Mr. Urie. Thats why we're in Mr. Urie's classroom. Brendon is Mr. Urie. Huh, Brendon Urie, sounds nice.
     "Take my hand, take my whole life too..." I know I should be grossed out but...
     "For I can't help, falling in love with you..." Brendon makes me feel special. As if I'm actually worth something. He makes me feel beautiful. Brendon's saved my life countless of times. Without him, I'd be a goner.
     "Like a river flows, surely to the sea..." How could I hate Brendon Urie... I love him.
     "Darling so it goes" As he sings this, Melanie takes the blindfold off & quickly leaves the room. I make eye contact with Brendon Urie.
     "Some things are meant to be." I'm full on crying now, how embarrassing!!
     "Take my hand, take my whole life too." He gives me a nervous smile, so adorable. I smile back, wiping my tears.
     I wanted to sing with him, but my voice is definitely not as amazing as his, "But I can't help... falling in love with you."
     I build up the courage & sing the last line with him, "But I can't help... falling in love with you."


     After a few more chords, I put down the guitar & take a deep breath. Well, she's still here so I think that's a good sign. I stand up & so does (Y/n).
     I look down at her & chuckle, "You're a lot shorter than I remember." I grin like a child.
     (Y/n) gasps & slaps my chest, "You're so rude! We saw each other like 4 hours ago!" She giggles. Her giggles turned into laughter. She holds her stomach & lays her head on my stomach. "Y-you're the worst!" She repeats. After she says that a couple times the laughter slows down. But (Y/n) doesn't move from her position.
     "How... How come you didn't tell me sooner? I know you were nervous but... I will never never judge you. I promised you I wasn't leaving you no matter what & I still mean it." She whispers.
     I sigh, "I know I should've told you. But I was just so... afraid that you would freak out. I mean, it's not everyday a beautiful 18 year old's teacher tells her that he loves her." I sound so lame
     She looks up to my & smiles widely, "You love me?" (Y/n) asks. Her eyes glistening, tears still in her eyes. She wraps her arms around me, "Well, I love you too."
     I wrap my arms around her small frame. "I love you so much. Will you be my girlfriend (Y/n) (Y/l/n)? You are 18 after all." I smile.
     She bites her bottom lip & nods, "Of course! What kind of question is that?!"
I smile & kiss her. Shit, shit. I should've asked her fuck. Thank fuck she kisses back.


Brendon's driving me home. Wow, never thought that'd happen! We agreed to keep this relationship between us (including Melanie). I really hope this relationship lasts, I love Brendon so much.
In the back of my mind I'm thinking of so many reasons on how this is bad. Although, I couldn't care less right now. I'm happy with Brendon. I'll always love him & I hope he'll always love me...

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