The Author

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It was another long night spent in my study in which no new words were being written. I have had this impassable writers block for quite a long time now and it was starting to worry me. My writing is my livelihood and without it I have no idea how I would support my wife and I. I was deep in thought when I heard a loud sound that erupted from the other side of the house. The sound resembled that of a drunkard walking blindly through a darkened room and I stood at once. Grabbing the candle on my desk, the only light source that was in the house, I slowly made my way through the house looking for any indication of what could've caused the disturbance.

I searched all over the house, but not one thing was misplaced. However my heart dropped in my chest as I noticed my bedroom door was left ajar. I slowly made my way to the door and pushed it open cautiously. I stepped inside, bringing the candle up to light the room, and dropped to my knees in horror. The room was trashed and there was a wet stain of blood covering where my wife had just been sleeping. How they got away escaped me for the window was still latched and I came right as I heard the sound. I placed my head in my hands and sobbed, for this didn't look promising.

After an unknown amount of time, though it had to be a few hours for my limbs were stiff, I stood. I stumbled out of the room and made my way towards the front door. I took a deep breath and made my way outside and saw that the sun was only starting to rise. I gazed out on the area surrounding my home, looking for any sign of her, but came up disappointed. If anything evil had happened here the trees are keeping it a secret. Not one leaf seemed disturbed as the mist was starting to clear; revealing the emerald canopy that stretched for miles. I started to walk towards town, my shoes hitting the cobblestone path being the only sound that echoed through the woods, I must tell the police, I thought as I came upon my destination.

The town, Lithington, was here in the middle of the woods with the nearest town being a few days travel. I liked the solitude that it gave, but at times, it also felt quite empty. I walked briskly to the police station and walked in, seeing the sheriff sitting behind a desk.

"Sheriff, I need your help," I said quickly, the panic hitting me.

"Levi, it's a rare sight seeing you in town. What's the problem?" He asked, looking me over.

"It's Elvira," I paused. "She's missing," I choked back more tears as I told him.

He stood up and got serious, "what do you mean she's missing?"

I ran my fingers through my hair and told him all that had happened early that morning. I had to stop when I reached the part of seeing the blood, for I couldn't hold back tears, but I finally got through the whole story and he seemed shocked.

"How. . . how could she just disappear like that?" He asked, confused.

"I don't know," I whispered. "We need to find her though," I trailed off.

"I know, but you need rest, Levi, you look horrid. Go back and get some sleep, we will handle finding her," he said softly as he lead me to the door. "We will let you know if we find anything."

"Thank you," I said as I walked out the door and started walking back to my house.

"Remember to get some sleep!" He yelled after me. I don't remember much of the walk, I was too busy thinking about everything that has happened, but before too long I found myself standing outside my door. I walked inside to find everything as I left it and, not wanting to sleep in the bed, found my way to the sofa. I layed my head down, propping my feet over the side, and tried to rest, but couldn't for my mind was racing. I was trying to dismiss them, but then an idea came to mind and I bolted upright. "This would make for an amazing story," I said aloud to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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