Predaking x (OC or fanmade character) I couldn't decide

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A/N: This OC character or fanmade character  is also a predacon. Her name is Jasmnie. I just switch the 'i' and 'n' around. Like I said I'm bad at names. Her armor is like a dark pink with the second primary color being white.

It was a normal day on the Nemesis. Starscream trying to plot against Megatron, while being a rude aft to everybot. You know the usual. Until, Predaking came and that made Starscream sca- I mean think of a plan to get rid of Megatron. Well, the predacon as well. So, he went into his quarters to put his plan into action.

~timeskip brought to you by Starscream doing the Macarena dance (I don't know how to spell out what song it was so I just rolled with it).

It has been weeks since Starscream making his plan, and it had been successful. He made a femme predacon. "Hmm...your name has to be a... n-nice name so, that predacon can fall for you." Starscream said. "I got it! You will be called Jasmnie, although it's a girly name, but it has to be that way. I just hope that (Y/N) doesn't tell Megatron about this." He said while looking at the femme predacon.

(You didn't expect me to bring you in this story did you? Mwhahaha*cough-cough*)

"(Y/N) always tells him almost everything I do. It's annoying." Starscream said. The femme predacon known as Jasmnie started to open her magenta optics. (Yes, I know the predacons in the show has these yellow mixed with orange color to them, but for this story femme predacons have a magenta color to them.) Starscream notice this and was happy with this result of making a predacon out of scratch. "Ah, your awake. I'm glad that my plan is working. I just had to ask Shockwave on how he made that predacon of his." When he said the word 'predacon' Jasmnie's helm went up, as in coures on what he meant.

"Oh, your wondering what I mean by other predacon. Well, you will be a distract him, or protect me from him. So, he won't try to kill me." The femme predacon just nodded her helm to let him know that she was understanding him. He smirked evily at this. "Since, I created you, you will listen to my orders. And, no one else's understand Jasmnie?" She nodded her helm again while making a sound in understanding. "Good.." Starscream smirked again.

(Timeskip to everybot meeting Jasmnie already cause I'm lazy and didn't fell like what the decepticons reactions.)

"Starscream how did you get this predacon?" Megatron asked. "Well, me leige I asked Shockwave on how he made Predaking. So, I decided that he shouldn't be the only predacon on the Nemesis. I also, wanted to surprise you and Shockwave." Starscream answered. "Hmm...this can be a great help with building the predacon army. And, Starscream...this was a surprise to me you did a good job at making her out of scratch." "Thank you, my lord."

During, Megatron's and Starscream's conversation. Shockwave was analyzing or trying to figure out on how Starscream made the femme predacon. "Interesting, you are just made out of scratch, but have a realistic predacon." Jasmnie was just staring at him until she noticed another predacon. 'He must be the mech predacon known as Predaking.' Jasmnie thought to herself.

Megatron came over to Shockwave and the femme predacon, and so was Predaking. He was wondering why there was another predacon here, on the Nemesis. "Shockwave, do you know how Starscream made the predacon without useing proper equipment?" Megatron asked. "No, I haven't. This is illogical. Starscream must of had to get old equipment to make her." Shockwave responded. "Do you think that both the predacons can mate with each other, to make more predacons?" At this point both predacons were looking at each other. Just, trying to figure out on what to do. "It is possible for them to make more predacons, but it might take them awhile to get to know each other by the looks of it." Shockwave said while looking at both predacons.

(Timeskip to 6 weeks when both predacons started to get along with each other.)

It has been weeks now. Both Predaking and Jasmnie has gotten along. Having things in common with each other. Starscream's plan is working, Predaking is paying attention to Jasmnie. And Megatron was now starting to question on if this is a good or bad thing. So, he went to Shockwave for an answer. "It is logical that Predaking is acting this way. This is a sign that both predacons are developing a relationship. That would lead to them breeding." Shockwave said. "So, the reason why Predaking is paying more attention to Jasmnie other than the assignments we give him. Is because they are bonding with one another." Megatron said. "Correct, or they have already breeded and Predaking is staying at Jasmnie side 24/7." "That could be a possibility, thank you for your time and information Shockwave." Shockwave just nodded his helm, with that Megatron walked out of Shockwave's lab.

"Why do I have to look after both the predacons? Having one beast is enough." Knockout said. 'Even worse is that Soundwave is watching me so i won't try to seperate the two beasts.' Knockout could just fill Soundwave watching his evermove. When, Knockout turned around nobot was there. "This is just creepy, watching over the two beasts makes me thank Soundwave is there when he's not. But, when I don't think he's there, he is. Good thing both of the predacons are in recharge."  'Knockout I need you at med-bay, it's an emergency.' Starscream said through the com-link. "Alright I'm on my way." With that Knockout ran to med-bay.

Predaking woke up noticing Knockout was gone. He shuck Jasmnie lightly to wake her up, which it did. When Jasmnie opened her optics she was greeted by Predaking nuzzling her while purring. Which made her also purr in response. Since, they met each other they can communicate through their minds. "You know we can't hide our little sercet for long you know." Predaking said. "I know Predaking, but I still have control over my behavior, and if loss that control I will probably stay in my quarters." Jasmnie responded. "Then I will be staying with you when that happens." Predaking says, Jasmnie just giggled/chuckled at this, and rested her helm back down. Predaking smiled at this and rested his helm on Jasmnie's helm.

I hope you guys enjoyed this. I might start making books abouts my characters that I made up. Also, since I can't create a game until I have the right equipment. I would create a book that would have the story line that I made, characters, lore, and atmosphere. So, keep an eye on that, although it might take awhile.

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