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I walked out the room shoving my phone into my pocket and got into the elevator

With 4 other boys

As soon as I stepped in they went dead silent


'Hey your the new girl aren't you' one of them asked


'Clearly' i said and the doors opened and i walked out and when i found the class room i didn't even bother knocking

Just walked in and found the first chair i saw and sat down

'Uh class this is our new student. Camila' he said

'Can you come up and tell us a bit about yourself' he said

'Nah I'm alright' i said looking up and evening had their eye on me

Every single guy

And it didn't help because the teacher was a guy too

'Why are you in a boys school' a guy asked

'Why are you filing your nails' i asked and everyone started laughing

'Hey im Lucas' someone said

'I'm his cousin sam' some other guy said

'And i dont care. Geez how thirsty can you hoes be' i said

'Watch your language missy' the teacher said

'Ugh' i groaned but I couldn't help but to look at the kid in the back

He had tattoos all over his neck and arms

And his friend

He looked Spanish

'Class settle down. Today we are going on a new topic on colour connotation' he said

'So when you see the colour blue.  What do you think of' he said

'Ocean' someone said

'Camila what about you' he asked

'Aren't we a bit old to learn about colour connotations like that's 8th grade things' I said

'Either this. Or a 500 page essay' he said

'Fine. Blue can symbolise. Tranquility. A clear mind. Air.' I said

'What about green' he asked

Dude I'm not the only student here

'Uh either jealousy and envy. Or nature and peace' i said

'And what about re- he asked but I cut him off and stood up

'Dude I'm not the only student here. There's like 30 other students here stop picking on me' i hissed

'Austin what could red represent' he said and i rolled my eyes

'Hey it's alright. He's like that' the kid next to me said

'I just want go sleep' i said and he laughed

'Well you can at lunch or break' he said

'Dude i cant sleep for 15 minutes. I'll probably wake up the  next day' i said and he laughed

'Im Cody' he said

'Cody camila pay attention' the teacher said


'3 minutes hurry the fuck up' i whispered and Cody laughed

As soon as the bell went i dipped out of class

'You alright' Cody said

'I can't live like this. That teacher hates me' i said and he laughed and just then someone bumped into Cody knocking him into the wall

'Watch it dick head ' the person that bumped into Cody yelled

Oh hell no....

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