1 - A Brooding Artist

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Hi! This is Cake #3, at your service! Now, I know that Nathanette (Nathanael x Marinette) isn't the most popular ship in the Miraculous fandom, but it's one of my personal favorites. Enjoy!



If there's anything I hate more than having a crush, it's rejection. Unrequited love is the most painful emotion I have ever felt. And so, I've vowed to keep to myself. To stay in the background. To be quiet and watch from afar. To do nothing. It's the best solution I can think of to avoid the pain.

That, and drawing. The rhythmic dancing of a pencil keeps me calm and happy. I draw my friends, I draw my fantasies, and I draw Marinette.

I love to draw Marinette, but I would never admit that to her. Her features are so delicate, and despite her behavior, are graceful and confident. It's a challenge, replicating a face like hers. She never turns out as perfect on paper.

My drawings are just some of the things I keep secret. I can only assume that Marinette thinks I am a creep after my Evillustrator incident, and I don't need to add to that.

She's never dared to say what her opinion about me is out loud, but I can tell what she thinks. It's a sickening feeling in the back of my throat that grows stronger and stronger every time she flashes me one of her forced smiles, or flatly says "hello" in the hall. I wonder if she's even aware of how I feel about her? Does she know how, when I duck my head, I'm blushing at the thought of her bluebell eyes gazing into mine?

Ah, the imagination of an artist. She barely bothers to look my way nowadays.

I hurry up the steps to the grand brick and stone school building. The towering walls inspire me everyday. They bring me new ideas and concepts--a lone princess at the top of a tower with hair as black as midnight who feels she has no hope. A dragon with light gold scales and piercing, green eyes who guards her so diligently, and refuses to let the princess's longing, red-headed prince to pass.

I sit, once again, in the back of the classroom, and rip a sheet of paper out of my sketchbook. As I gently tear off the serrated edge, my eyes wander to Adrien. He speaks to Marinette with quite a soft voice, but gestures wildly, like he's telling a fantastical story. Marinette's eyes are trained on his, and her lips part ever so slightly. I furrow my eyebrows and concentrate on the paper. Moving fluently, I create a menacing, snarling dragon in the center of the sheet. Its mouth is curled into a malicious sneer. I hold my drawing up, before adding one final detail:

At the very bottom of the page, I give the beast a name. Adrien.

In some sick, twisted way, it fits perfectly.



"That sounds cool, Adrien!"

Do I still like you? You're giving me nothing. I certainly feel like I have a crush on you, but at this point, I can't tell if I'm making it all up.

Adrien continues his story without hesitation. "By then, we had been at the grocery store for nearly an hour..."

I lose focus, and my mind wanders. I fear that all you are now is an idea, Adrien. An idea. Like a dream, in a way. You were safe. You were reliable. I liked that about you. I absentmindedly twirl a loose strand of hair with my finger, continuing to pretend to listen. I'm just not sure I want that anymore.

Suddenly, the bell rings, yanking me out of my stupor. Adrien whirls around to face the front of the room, where our teacher is about to start the roll call.

There's a little tingling sensation in the back on my neck, almost like I'm being watched. I slowly turn in my seat to scan the back of the room, and for a split second, my eyes meet Nathanael's. We both look away awkwardly, and I return my focus to the Language Arts teacher, Mme. Bustier. In her usual bright tone, she explains today's lesson.

"We'll be starting a new class book soon--" Various groans are heard throughout the class. "--and it has a very important theme. It's not a spoiler, so I'll go ahead and share it with you..." She shuffles to the white-board and scribbles in blue marker, "jumping to conclusions."

Mme. Bustier turns to face the class. "Can someone quickly define what this means?"

Rose raises her hand high and waves it triumphantly. When called on, she says, "It's when you assume something even if you have very little information to go off of."

Nodding, Mme. Bustier goes on to explain how characters jumping to conclusions can affect the story. I've read all of this before, and I block her voice out.

Adrian's back is what I see for most of my day. For all I know, it could be all I ever really see.

Is it time to move on?

I remember Nathanael's sullen gaze meeting me from across the room. He looked so serene, but at the same time, downcast, almost as though he had lost something.

Tapping my pencil quietly against my desk, I wonder about him. Nathanael has always been so sweet to me. The only time he's ever spoken up much, though, was when he was The Evillustrator, but that wasn't really him, was it? Akuma victims don't make choices in their right minds. It's not like me becoming Ladybug--they can barely control their actions.

Before I know it, class is over, and the students race to the door. I hang behind at my desk until I see Nathanael pass me, and I call out to him cheerfully. "Hey, Nathan! Wait for me!"

He looks surprised and confused, but stands at my side while I gather my folders. We leave the classroom together and talk about the simple things: his new pack of colored pencils, my upcoming babysitting job. It's been a while since we just stopped and talked like this. It's refreshing.

Starting today, I think I'll talk to Nathanael more often.


Hey, y'all! Cake #3, reporting for duty! Make sure to go check out our account intro, "What Are The Three Cakes?" It explains what the deal is with all of this "cake" nonsense,
so it could be helpful if you're confused about that. You can go hear from the other Cakes, too!

Salut, my dearies. <3

Poem for a Princess [Miraculous Ladybug Nathanael x Marinette]Where stories live. Discover now