I Sang A Hymn // 3

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   "This way!" Heatwave exclaimed, running into the hallway. You ran into a large room with the rest of the team crowding around you. Chains hung from the ceiling and brushed against your helm as you ran by.

   "It's just a dead end!" You stated. The door came from slammed shut. The sound startled all of you and made you whip around to see your only exit taken away.

   "Apparently because it is a trap!" Chase answered matter-of-factly. The mechs slammed themselves against the door in an attempt to get out. Seconds later, your vision flashed purple, and you could only hope you were being deceived.

   Heatwave's next, and possibly better plan, was to hoist up the heavy Boulder and use his pedes to knock the door off its hinges. You repeated this multiple times and were finally able to escape the hold, running for the elevator. Next thing you knew, you slid to a stop in front of the humans and an additional, unfamiliar man who accompanied them. The fire truck growled at him angrily.

"No, wait!" Cody shouted, running forwards to stop him from making a move. The red mech's servos were clutched into fists as he scowled.

"This guy locked us up in the cargo hold!" Your leader accused him.

"It's Captain Ambrose! He's just confused," The boy assured you with a nervous smile.

"Ambrose?" Heatwave replied in a confused manner.

"He doesn't look like a ghost," Boulder spoke up.

"Then shouldn't he be, like, really old?" Blades asked awkwardly. You felt calmer, seeing him not as frightened as the both of you had been before.

"Somehow ten years out there is only an hour on this ship," Graham announced. You furrowed your optic ridges. Chase stepped forwards wearing a slightly puzzled expression.

"But we have been here an hour," Chase pointed out. Your optics widened as you looked over at him.

"Oh no. But that means . . ." You trailed off. Your faceplates paled as the realization washed over you. Anxiety that had disappeared moments ago came crawling up your backstruts.

"No way. It can't be!" Heatwave interrupted. A crashing sound distracted you from your thoughts. Everyone rushed over to the railing on the edge of the ship to find the source of the noise. It was a boat that had crashed into the side of the Phantom, blaring its alarm as passengers cried out for help in the water.

A helicopter flew forwards and shined its light over your team. Once the light lowered, you could see clearly in the late night, only to find a snow-haired Chief Burns, with an older Doc Green and adult Frankie.

"Dad?" Cody spoke aloud in surprise.

"Kids," the elderly police officer smiled, "it's really you."

"Astonishing!" Doc exclaimed.

"They haven't aged a day," His daughter said solemnly.

"We have to save the reunion for later." Chief told them, grabbing the edge of the seat, "That ferry's going down!"

"You heard the Chief! Roll to the rescue!" Heatwave commanded. The humans ran to get into their respective bot partners before they transformed. Dani, both politely and excitedly took the Captain to ride in Blades with her. Chase allowed Cody to seat in him.

You jumped into action—and by that I mean you literally jumped off the side of the S. S. Phantom. Your teammates, excluding Blades, did so as well. You, Boulder, and your fellow police bot landed on floating, wooden crates, while Heatwave transformed into his boat alt. mode. You grabbed humans out from the water and placed them back on the now stable boat (thanks to Kade).

HAPPY //  Chase X Reader // DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now