Chapter 27: Dear Doctor.

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Once all the formalities had been completed and the police had finished their inquiries. Dr. Shepard sat slumped in his chair. He was beyond exhausted, the surgery was a success. But that was far from his worries at the moment. He still couldn't get himself to understand the reason why such a promising young man would take such a drastic decision, in just a blink of an eye. Shepard rubbed at his temple, his brain was harming in his head. Remembering the letters David threw in his hands. He searched for them until he found where he stacked them in. He brought them out and dropped them on his table while looking through each of them. They seem to be addressed to different persons. He sorts through them and found the one that has his name on it.  With trembling hands and shaky breaths, he opened to read.

Doctor Shepard.

        I'm sure by the time you're reading through this, that the transplant most have been a success. I have absolute faith in you, doctor and I held onto the promise you made meThank you so much for what you've done for my love. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my decisions, I did it because I can't have anyone telling me not to. Steven is my life. And I'd give myself over and again if I have to.

Before you are five more letters, each addressed to its own person. In a few minutes, someone would come for them. Give all the letters to the man, and keep the one with the blue envelope. That belongs to my baby when he wakes up. Everything he needs to know would be in there for him.  Take care of him, doctor, until the family comes for him. Thank you so much, doctor.

                               From the weird guy.


Doctor Shepard choked on a sob, he was glad David left him a note. This has to be the most heartbreaking experience in his entire career. He reaches for tissues when he got a knock on his door, a mailman walked in. He beckoned him to sit as he cleaned his face and cleared his throat.

"Doctor, I'm supposed to pick up letters."  The man told him.

"Yes," Shepard replied, his voice husky. He threw the tissue into the bin and pick up the letters that the man was supposed to have, leaving Steven's own on the table. He handed the letters over and watch the man bow his head quickly muttering "thank you."  And walking out of his office. Shepard took Steven's letter and locked it in a safe under his table. Once Steven wakes up, he was going on a long vacation.

Hello beautiful people! Just in case you're wondering why it is too short, I have to let you know that it is going to be letters from here on. So it would be short. But in all, I hope you enjoy reading.

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