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[this book is
marked as mature;
containing sexual
scenes and strong
language. You have been
warned, thank you.]

"Three pounds please"

I had stopped off at the small off-licence after college to buy myself a drink and a few snacks for my journey to Jake's house.
Myself and Jake weren't together, I'd say we were more acquaintances. I met him last Thursday on the bus and we'd exchanges numbers and I was on my way to his for a quick fuck. I get who I want, when I want.

I hand the shop keeper a five pound note, waiting for my two pound in return.
He was a middle aged man with a foreign accent, probably Italian or something like that. He was brunette with a few stray grey hairs, and slightly big in build.

He tries to open the till, pressing various buttons with a frown before calling for "Stephano", Who I guessed was his shop assistant.

"Yeah?" I hear from the back of the shop and a young brunette boy around the age of nineteen pokes his head around the doorframe.

"Can you please work this till?" The shopkeeper sighs, resting his hand on the top of the till, giving me a sorrowed smile.

"I'm sorry" He says as he waits for assistance.

Normally, i'd have caused a fuss and complained that they were wasting my time, but Stephano was honestly beautiful. His dark features, tall, slightly muscular build was literally fuckable. He approaches the counter, paying no attention to me whatsoever, placing a set of keys down before tapping a few buttons, the till instantly opening.

"But how did you do that?" The shopkeeper frowns, crossing his arms in confusion.

"Dad, I keep telling you but you don't pay attention" Stephano chuckles, closing the till up again without taking out my change.
I was mesmerised by him.

He was wearing a dark grey, thin material long sleeved top, tight against his biceps and showing off his obvious abs. His hair styled perfectly and his olive skin complementing his beautiful hazel/green eyes.

"Tap in the prices-" He explains, taking my bottle of cola to press in the price before doing the same with my snacks, still without laying his eyes on me.

"Press complete, and then open" He says, pressing at a few buttons on the till before it opens again.

He moves aside, his right arm resting on the counter showing off his bicep and beautiful forearm, to monitor his fathers use of the till.

"Two pounds change" The man smiles, handing me my change.

"Thankyou" I smile back, taking my change and receipt.

"Sorry for the wait, new till" He says apologetically as I take my snacks from the counter.

"No, no its fine" I chuckle, my eyes still only on Stephano.

His eyes land on my bottle which was closer to him than it was me. He takes it in his hand before handing it over to me. His eyes, for the first time, landing on mine. His face completely neutral with no emotion whatsoever, no smile, no personality. I wasn't sure if he was giving me a death glare or whether that was just his resting dick face, either way it was hot as fuck.

"Thanks" I gulp, taking the bottle from him to place in my bag.

He gives me a small nod before standing up straight, "Can I go?" He asks his dad in his mesmerising accent earning a nod. He picks up his set of keys with one swift motion before heading back off to the back of the shop.

I give the shopkeeper a small smile as I head back out before waiting at the bus stop of the next bus that would take me to Jake's house.
I take a seat under the bus shelter, taking out my phone to keep me occupied.

A sense someone seat them self beside me and I catch a strong scent of cologne. I glance to the right, realising its Stephano.
He puts his legs out in-front of him, one on top of the other as he scrolls through his phone with a small sniff. I watch him run a hand through his hair before scratching his cheek, getting up, walking to the bus stop post to check the bus times before heading back to the seats, staring at me intensely.

"Y'know, you're quite creepy" He says, leaning against the glass of the shelter.

I frown.

"What?" I chuckle, slightly taken back and offended by his comment.

"You don't stop staring, its creepy" He says.

I narrow my eyes at him, his eyes still burning into mine, "yeah, well you don't ever blink, i'd say thats more creepy" I shrug, Stephano blinking sarcastically before turning to his phone.

"And you don't ever smile" I state.

"Or say much" I shrug.

"And you say an awful lot, you should stop, you're doing my head in" He frowns, placing his phone in his pocket before taking out his bus pass. It takes me a while to process what was going on until I see the bus coming. I stand up, taking out my pass before boarding the bus behind Stephano.

The bus was almost full, only two seats at the back. I sit next to Stephano and watch him roll up his sleeves with a small sigh before glancing at me with a frown.

"Did we not just speak about you staring?" He asks, resting his hand on my thigh.

He was definitely going to be my next fuck.

I shrug, earning a small frown, "Do you live this way?" He asks, "I've never seen you before"

I keep my mouth closed, Stephano squeezing my thigh slightly, "am I making you feel uncomfortable?" He asks, still I ignore.
He removes his hand from my thigh making me smile slightly.

"You talk an awful lot Stephano, you should stop, you're doing my head in" I say with a chuckle.

"I see" He nods, "You know my name already" He smirks.

"M-yeah" I purse my lips together, "I'm Apollo by the way" I smile opening my bottle of cola.

"Stephano" He nods, "as you know"

He takes my bottle, taking the first swig of cola before handing it back, pressing the bell on the bus as he stands up.

"I get off here, I guess i'll see you in the shop again seeing as you're so blatantly into me" He winks, "see you Apollo" He says quickly before getting off of the bus.

I gaze at him through the window as the bus drives away, he notices giving me a small nod.

Fuck. He was something else.

But with all thoughts of Stephano aside, it was time to get to Jake's house.

[The photo at the
top is how I imagine
Stephano, but you can
imagine him however
you like ]

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