The Start of Summer

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Anna sat on the Gordon's couch as the two kids watched some cartoon on the TV. It had been a long day, but this was a nice finish in Anna's opinion, she loved watching over Jim and Barbara Gordon's children. It had been the last day of school and most of the kids at school hadn't had anything better to do than run around getting autographs in their year books, but Anna had been pulled out off all of her classes to take multiple tests to see if she could advance into some very high levels of math and science. Just as Alfred had hoped, she passed the entire test, but to Anna's dismay, it also meant that next year she'd be taking a Calculus and a Physics class, and also a class of college level Chemistry, one of her most hated science classes. Anna had been hoping to take Trigonometry instead of Calculus.

For the past month Anna had been stocking her dad around the city at night, when he was on the prowl for villains. Bruce had tried to keep her from following him, but she was determined to help him. Unfortunately for Anna, Bruce was getting better at sneaking out without her noticing, but she had a plan in mind that would fix that.

After putting Jane to bed and getting a bath ready for Jimmy, Anna sat down on the couch and pulled out her cell phone. Scrolling through her contacts list she found Lucius' number. Clicking send she placed the phone to her ear.

"Hello," Lucius said as he answered his phone.

"Hey Lucius, its Diana Wayne," Anna said, "I was wondering, would you have time tomorrow for a short visit from me. I know you're busy with Wayne Enterprise, but...."

Lucius laughed, "I can always spare some time for you Diana. What time were you planning on stopping by?"

"Around noon," Anna said with a smile, "thanks Lucius, this means a lot to me."

"Anytime miss Wayne," Lucius said before they ended their phone call. Placing her phone back in her pocket Anna smiled to herself. After another hour of watching the children, Barbara Gordon arrived home from work and paid Anna her for the week and wished her a nice weekend.

Walking outside, Anna was about to jump onto her bike when bright headlights came up from behind her. Before she could even turn to look, Jim Gordon pulled up next to her with the passenger window open.

"Hey kiddo, need a ride?" Jim asked with a smile. Jim was the only person, other than Bruce, Alfred, and a few of her school friends, that Anna trusted full heartedly. He was also the only police officer in Gotham that her father trusted as well.

"No thank-you," Anna said with a smile.

"No," Jim said jumping out of the car, "I insist." Not wanting to be impolite Anna climbed off her bike, and with help from Jim loaded her bike into the back seat of the car.

"Thank-you Mr. Gordon," Anna said as they pulled away from the back alley Jim's house was located in.

"You're welcome," Jim said, "I just thought that you being such a good sitter, it's not safe riding a bike home through Gotham at this time of night."

"Normally it wouldn't be," Anna said more to herself.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, with Batman out there I feel safe," Anna explained.

"So you think this Batman character is good for Gotham," he asked.

"I think he's exactly what Gotham's been needing for many years," Anna said, "and I think you agree, seeing as you have that signal on the roof of the Gotham police station." Anna bit her lip as this last part had slipped. No one but select personnel knew about that and the only reason Anna knew about it was because her dad had told her about it.

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