Stage 1: Denial

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Why hello!

Let me introduce myself

I'm Jin, Kim SeokJin

I am going to be your narrator!

I will be telling you the story of my friends

More importantly, what happened to them, after I died

Seems morbid, I know...

But its all for a good reason

A reason ill get into later!

For today will be starting with the first story or rather the first person

Taehyung. Kim taehyung

I met him in my junior year of high school.

He was a bubbly and bright kid that could make you smile just by smiling himself

But you see, taehyung had some issues...


"Mom, dad, I'm Home!"

A 16-year-old taehyung had just come back from school a little early since he had no choir practice after school today and set his bag down on the kitchen counter.

He heard no response from his mother or father which is weird since his parents always greet him when he comes home.

His mother is also usually in the kitchen preparing some snacks or dinner and his father is usually at work. But neither of them are where they always are.

Taehyung looked around the kitchen with a curious look on his face.

He went to the living room where he could finally hear his parents voice.

Except it was his parents usual sweet and caring voices.

Their voices were filled with anger and rage, something he's never heard from his parents.

In all of taehyung's 17 years of living, He has never seen or experienced this.

His parents were fighting.

Sure they had arguments here and there, but they never yelled or screamed at each other.

Taehyung stood still in the living room not knowing if he should go and intervene or just let them settle it.

Just as taehyung made his decision, a loud bang was heard throughout the house.

Taehyung froze.

It just the door slamming shut or one of them accidentally dropped something- taehyung thought to himself

That's what taehyung told himself over and over again for 3 years.

5 Stages Of Grief // BTS FFWhere stories live. Discover now