Chapter 7

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--Ty's POV--

"Ty, Ty, TY GET UP!" Sky yells waking me up

I look up with sleepy dreamy eyes and see Adams ex girlfriend Dawn

"What the fuck is going on Adam, care to tell me." dawn says

"Nothing dawn!" he says

"Oh really?"

"Yeah" I shout

"Oh, tweetal dumb and tweetal dumber! your so transparent boys, or Ty are you even a guy?" she replies laughing

"Hey leave him alone, by the way how in holy horse crap did you get in Ty's house?!"

"I have my ways." she said with a sky laugh

"SORRY GUYS!" I hear Bodil shout

"SHUT UP BODIL!" dawn yell coming towards me

She grabs me by the throat and pushes me towards sky

"If your dating kiss you boyfriend Tyella!" she laughs out while making me kiss Adam

"Stop dawn!" Adam screams

"I will be with you if that means you will leave him alone!" sky yells putting me in tears

"Oh goody!" dawn yells

Adam kisses me one last time but this time grabbing at my package and says goodbye and walks out with dawn

I cry, and cry, and cry, and cry, and cry!

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