Arc 01: Zombie villain (Yuya Faust)

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He also have a book called 'A Herald's Heir' it's a bxb story <3


Tremendous pain attacks Shion's body, Sharp pain tingling within each corner of his brain.

Shion observes where he is, it's a big isolation room, the room is surrounded by many weird machine's that Shion can't identify.

Shion was strapped to a metal bed and many injections with different colored fluids injected in his body from time to time. Scientists surround Shion,

"The experiment's status is dropping, Head, what we are going to do?" a lanky man said to the old man who was standing beside Shion's head.

"Stop the experiment, this body is already a waste. Tsk tsk such a rare zombie that can retain their mind, such a waste..... we might not see a zombie like this anymore." The man said, regret laced in his voice.

*What's going on?* Shion tried to remember why he's here.

*Ah...... i seem to have formed a contract with a system? It seems it's called A Villain's Last Wish if I'm not wrong..* Shion remembered the bubbly system that popped out in his mind before he died.

A large memory suddenly flashed in his mind, Shion tried to hold his slipping consciousness but the sharp painful tingling intensifies and his sight blackens out.

When Shion wakes up, he looks at around the isolation room he was currently in, the weird machines and the people in lab coats were nowhere to be found.

 Is this all real? I really formed a contract with a system. To be able to have an experience in life that i didn't have the luxury of having it with my previous fragile body that chained me to that room.

[Ding! Host body has been modified to a perfect body. Host, the system will release your task!]

[Ding! Villain's wish : Take revenge from the people that betrayed and hurt him

: Build his own home

: To be happy ]

[Host fulfill the last wishes of the villain. 01 will come out when you need him, just call me!]

The cheerful voice of 01 resounded in Shion's mind, while he was thinking of his past life.

"Right, I will have to fulfill the villains wishes before I can do whatever I want." Shion breaks the straps that keep binding him to the metal bed and sits up. He wants to explore this world even if it is a crumbling one and experience most of the things that he couldn't do in his past life.

"Oh....... this is amazing..... to have a strong body like this!" 'Shion was amazed by the feel of a strong body.Shion stands and walked to the large one-way window that was next to a big metal door.

Shion see's an elegant handsome face of a man in the window's reflection. The man has a pair of red phoenix eyes and a tall high nose with thin pink lips that has a little mole near the lower lip and a pale compact body. The body keeps emitting a dangerous and elegant aura.

Originally Yuya, the original owner of this body wasn't this handsome when he became a zombie. He had a gray colored body that had many cracks on it, a sign that a person had become a zombie. The system modified the body to it's fullest potential that resulted in it becoming strong and his body turned to a normal body but it will not change the fact that this body is a zombie.

Shion studied the memories of this world's villain.

Yuya Faust, The business emperor of the Faust Family. Yuya was a genius child that was doted by his family. Yuya grew to be a genius in handling the business of his family, when he was still young he already had many achievements that normal people couldn't achieve in their entire lifetime. Confident, smart, aloof, handsome and rich that was the simplest description that many people have made of him. Until the zombie apocalypse came in to his perfect life. He was betrayed, he was abandoned and reality punched him in his guts.

A person named Shan Nichols came out of nowhere and joined their group. He didn't know what was wrong, his friends and family suddenly alienated him. It was like he did something wrong. His instincts told him to separate from this group but he loves and trust his friends and family. He can't just abandoned them but one day reality punched him to wake up from his perfect world. He was abandoned to a groups of zombies, he was betrayed by his friends and family and reality punched him cruelly in his guts. So, from then on he embarked on the path of revenge with his group of zombies. He kills Shan Nichols companion, He destroys his plans because he accidentally finds out that Shan Nichols is the one that instigates his family to betray him and he becomes the number one enemy of the people. When Shan Nichols caught him, he handed him to the scientists to be used as a body to be experimented on.

"Truly tragic...... Don't worry, I will fulfill your last wishes." Shion caresses the reflection of Yuya Faust in the mirror but one situation catches his ayes. He doesn't have any clothes on.

He forcefully opens the large steel door next to the window and saw that inside was another room. Shion saw a locker at the right side of the room. He opens it and finds a scientist's complete clothes inside. A lab coat, a pair of gloves, a mask, a pair of boots and even a white shirt and black slacks.

He picks each type of clothing and wears them, and pulls open another door. A desolate hallway, it surprised Shion because he knows that in his past life scientists are busybodies so the hallway should have many scientists inside.

Shion walked to the empty hallway but something caught his eyes. It was a large steel door, much larger than in his room. He walks to the door and looks at it because his instincts were telling him to open it.

Shion's form touches the door and it starts to melt. Shion has the powers of ice, fire, psychic and super strength. He is so powerful after the system modified his body that he can melt any metal with his fire.

Shion was stunned because of what he see's inside the room after the steel door was melted completely.




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Another system story (。>﹏<。)

System:  A villain's last wishesWhere stories live. Discover now