1.4 : Zombie villain (Yuya Faust)

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Please support his book "A Herald's Heir" if you have time. (≧▽≦) Thank you!


"Bullshit! Don't think so highly of your self! Your just the strongest in this base, not the whole world! You can't defeat those monsters. Shan, think of a better idea! Aren't you the one who brought that leader of those monsters here in the first place? It's because of you! You better clean this mess, Shan!!" A scientists hysterical voice echoed in the closed room. If it was an ordinary day the scientist would not dare to utter these words because he knew that this man controlled half of the base but he had begun to lose his mind out of fear.

"It's not Shan's fault. Wasn't your group the one which had been holding that zombie? And you even said that he's already dead and the experiment failed!" A very handsome man with a cold expression rebutted the scientist.

"Cade.......it's...not.....not my fault! If you hadn't brought tha-" The scientist's voice got cut when a voice from the screen spoke.

"Hey!!! People there! don't worry! We're not going to attack......yet. Rest assured! Shan and Cade wait for me." Shion had just spoken to the camera near the entrance of the laboratory. After that Shion and the group walked out and behind them the laboratory exploded into flames. Erasing that horrible place that had given them suffering and the feeling of helplessness in their short stay in the 'care' of the 'kind' scientists.

"Cade.....that was...Yuya?" Shan finally felt terrified as he saw Yuya's chilling smile when he said their names.

"Don't worry, they said that they will not attack right now. We have some time to prepare before it happens, I'll protect you." Cade hugged the scared Shan.

Cade looked at the screen, he can still see the fading back of Yuya. He didn't know when it started, he had once loved Yuya very much, he had felt that with Yuya he would feel complete but he didn't know what happened to him. One day he felt that Yuya didn't deserve to be with him and Shan should be the one who was by his side. He felt guilty for betraying Yuya but he loves Shan and he will do anything for him. Cade hugged Shan tighter as his mind wandered around the memories of him and Yuya.

Shion and his group walked in the deserted streets, it look likes the higher-ups gave warnings to the people in the base. Shion stopped at the closed big gate at the entrance of Haven base.

"Blast it." Shion calmly gave an order.

"Rawwwrrr!!!" A big man that looked like a gorilla slapped his chest with his fist then smashed it towards the big gate.


The big tall gate that had protected the Haven base many times in the past was blasted to smithereens with just one blow. The guards that were still guarding the gate got blown away and panicked.

"Rawrrrrr!!" The gorilla-like man puffed up his chest in pride and slapped it with his fist again.

*This is your karma, giving birth to strong monsters that can cause humans large casualties, you better be prepared when we visit your base next time, Shan!* Shion smirked and walked out through the blasted gate.

"Let's go! We are going to build our own base!"

Shion and the group found a big abandoned city to build their base in. As several days passed their base gradually took shape, and some monsters and zombies evolved enough to talk slightly. They also offered the busy Shion batch after batch of red crystals that they harvested by hunting the evolved plants and animals in the area. In this world all of the living things could evolve, insects, plants, peoples, animals and even some ancient artifacts. Each of the evolved species has a red crystal inside of their bodies, the only difference of the crystals are the shape and size of them. A powerful evolver will have a much smaller crystal because they have better control of their powers.

"Boss, a neighbouring base requests a meeting." The four-armed zombie who was called Leon said in a serious tone to Shion who was busy looking at a map and some papers.

"A.....meeting you said?" Shion looked at Leon with a frown on his face.

"Yes. A meeting with us." Leon also frowned.

Shion's known for his new but big and sturdy base but there's one thing that made their base even more famous which was that it was a base that only consisted of monsters and zombies, so both Leon and Shion were wary and surprised by this sudden request for a meeting, and that base that had sent the request is also making Shion suspicious, because that base is a hidden strong base in this world! The Haven base (Shan Nichols' base) is considered the strongest base in this world but they didn't know that there were many bases that had hidden their power and disguised themselves as weak bases. Even the knowledge Shan had about this world didn't help him in finding this.

"Alright. Reply to them that we are holding the meeting in our base today. Right here and right now, if they are not going to accept it then we are not going to accept it either!" Saying so Shion continued the work he had been doing before.

Leon looked at the busy back of Shion and turned around to go and find the messenger who had come with the request. He repeated the exact words that Shion had said. He really respected the brave messenger for coming inside a base full of monsters and zombies.

At the other base.

"Oh? He said that he's going to accept the request but at the condition that this meeting will only happen in their base and right now?" A man with a lollipop said with an amused tone.

"Right.... Obviously they are suspicious about this meeting, so they aren't taking a chance to go to an unfamiliar base that requested a meeting with them - a base full of monsters." The messenger's body aura changed to a confident one. Trying not to look suspicious Liam had changed his body's demeanour into a weak and shy one a while ago.

"Alright!" The man in the seat of the leader behind the round table suddenly talked, startling the group of men around him.

"Wh-What?! Your going to accept it??!" The man with a lollipop said in a shocked tone.

"Don't waste time, lets get ready!" The man stood up and went towards the door.


When the door closed again a heated argument broke out in the meeting room.

"Tell me! I misheard what boss said, right?"

"What the fuck?!"

"No! I also heard what he said!"

"Lets go, lets get ready!"

"Is the boss not feeling well today?"

And the group of men got a cold glare from their boss when he came back to go to the other base.

"Boss..... just give us a minute."

"I'm ready boss, lets go!"

"Boss it's their fault! They kept questioning me!" Liam said in an aggravated voice.


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Shan Nichols

Cade, Shion's ex fiance

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