New Friends

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"Hey can I come in?"

Right before I answer him Andy walks up behind me.

"Hey Mike, I was just about to go talk to you," Andy says.

" You were?" Mike says with disbelief and shock, obviously from the fact that Andy is standing right behind me.

"Yeah man, I was going to apologise for the fight, that's why I'm here, I was apologising to Rayn." Andy says. There's an awkward silence as we all stand by the door. I lean back and forth on my toes, and I can still feel Andy's touch on my lips.

"Well I mean I guess it in the past so we're good," Mike say reluctantly breaking the silents.

"Ok cool, umm I gotta go but maybe I'll see you around," Andy says to Mike as he walks out of my house not saying a word to me, not that I'm complaining.

"Not gonna lie that was supper weird," mike says with a chuckle. I laugh with him and nod in agreement.

"So um, why are you here," I ask trying not to sound rude.

" oh, um, I came to talk, about stuff," he said, scratching his head.

"Ok, did you want to come in," I ask stepping to the side.



Andy's POV

As I walk down the street away from Rayn's house I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. The way her lips felt on mine, the way my lip ring pressed against her mouth. Why can't I get this out of my head? Why did I kiss her in the first place? I went to her house to make things right and then she said what she said and I felt like an ass, I didn't know what else to do.

As I'm walking I find myself regretting living her alone with that Mike dude. I don't think he will do anything, I just don't want them getting closer. Am I jealous? No. No I don't get jealous, Andy biersack does not get jealous. Ever. I need a beer.

Rayn's POV

After Mike and I talked we decided it was best if we remained friends. It was a few hours later and we we're watching a movie when he got a text message.

"Oh shit, hey I have to go, I have a couple friends coming into town tonight and there almost here," Mike says while getting up.

"It's ok, it's getting late anyways," I say with a yawn.

"Yeah, maybe we can hang out tomorrow and you can meet them, there pretty cool dudes."

"Sure, text me the time tomorrow?" I ask.

"Sure thing, see you later,"

After Mike left I went up to my room and took a shower then went to bed. The next morning I got up fairly early and took my time to get ready. Shortly after Mike texted me the time as promised.

I still can't believe that Andy kissed me yesterday, I mean why? I have a feeling I don't want to know the answer. I sigh and finish up my make up.

Shortly after finishing up getting ready there's a knock on the door. I go down the stairs and open the door to reveal Mike and two guys. They where both pretty tall, but then again everyone is tall compaired to me.

"Rayn, I would like you to meet Jamie and Tony," they both wave and say hey as Mike intoduces them to me. After I say hey back Mike speaks again.

"So now that we have all met let's go eat I'm starving," we all agree as we start walking down the street and begin random conversations.

As we ate at one of the local diners we talk about where they were from and how they all met and a lot of other random stuff. Every time I would look up I would see tony looking at me and as soon as I noticed he would look away. Odd. I shrugged it off and kept eating. As Jamie was in the middle of telling a joke the diner bell rang and in walked andys group, only andy was missing.

"well well what do we have here, looks like the slut found more guys to keep her warm at night." Ashley laughs with the others as they walked up to our table. Tony and Jamie look at each other with a very confused look on both of there faces.

"Seriously we have to deal with you at school and now while we are at a diner?" Mike says sounding very annoyed. Ashley walks closer but I'm to scared and embarrassed to look up.

"im only making conversation, isn't that right rayn?" Ashley said as he took a fry off of my plate. When I don't answer him he gets angry and pulls me up by my hair and makes me face him.

"answer me when I speak to you bitch, " he screamed. Then every thing else happened so fast that its kind of a blur. Mike, Jamie, and Tony all got up and started fighting. Mike punched Ashley at the same time Ashley three me to the ground hard. Then everything went black.
Yay, finally I finished this chapter, thank you all so much  for supporting me while I took a break all of your kind words mean so much to me I really can't thank you enough.

So what did you guys think? Did you like the addition of the rest of PTV? I hope so and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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