Her story...

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Hi I'm gonna be talking about one thing today I wanna know how many people have to kill themselves before society realizes that bullying is so wrong close your eyes and picture this, takes. Deep breath and just imagine this, you have just woken up u have a sister a year older than u she's always in her room so quiet she used to be the one who was so outgoing and loud everything has changed, she is usually up before you she isn't in the lounge or the kitchen you don't worry to much u go onto the computer and check ur Facebook,Twitter,tumbler and Instagram u see ur sisters statices this time I'm leaving forever I'm sorry if this hurts anyone you start to worry you ran around the house calling her name you call ur mom ur mom told you she just went out for a walk, so you go to the park where she usually is you see her sitting there crying you ran over to her you hold her you tell her it's going to be alright she screams asking you to just end this pain with a rope right next to her and pills in front of her you make her stand up and walk away u start walking home and you still holding her so tight you see girls walking towards u they start laughing your sister cries a little more you keep walking with your sister and about to turn the corner the three girls grab her from behind they tell her how worthless she is you try screaming but then a girl just grabs you to she won't let you go you sister is screaming for your help she yells to you I love you I'm so sorry the three girls let her go and the other girl lets you go to but your sister has ran away you have no idea where she's gone you go back to the park but this time the rope and the pills are gone you start crying you call your mom and tell her what has happened your mom doesn't say anything, she's in shock she rushes home your still looking for your sister she's your world she's your rock she's the one who keeps you here today, without her your nothing and without her your moms nothing you walk through a Forrest and you get a bad feeling and the tears are just rushing down your face you shaking more than ever you walk a little bit more and you find the pill container but no pills are in it you scream your sisters name SARAH,SARAH, where are you there's no response you know something has happened you turn the corner of the Forrest and you find your sister lying there her wrists are bleeding there's a blade right beside her, she looks peaceful only taking a breath every minute, you immediately call an ambulance they come, your mom turns up just before them your mom screams this is her baby, this is her best friend and this girl is her world the ambulance takes your sister away you go with them they can't get any response from her now there only a few minutes away from the hospital but you know she's gone, you know she's dead you can't do this without her right? You beg and plead and ask her why you turn up to the hospital they rush her into emergency your mom is in to much shock to even talk 10 minutes later the doctor comes out your mom stands out tears rushing down her face the doctor says I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you but we could not save her, it was to late at this point in time your mom drops to the floor her whole world has just taken a crashing you run outside you can't stop screaming your finding out how to breath and you don't wanna live a few days later was her funeral so many people turned up they all lined up to see her she looks peaceful and she looks finally happy but your not, your moms not your whole family is devastated, her best friend hasn't talked to anyone since she found out her best friend is not harming her self your mom looks out the window for more then half the day you can't see your self going back to school for awhile no one has entered her room and it will stay that way the door will remain shut and no one will go in a year passes and a few weeks ago her best friend committed suicide her best friend promised her "you go I go" her best friend well she kept that promise you still haven't returned to school and your mom now has depression you harm everyday your sisters happy but look at the pain she has out on everyone else, so before you decide to take your life please listen to this, do you want this to happen to your best friend or your mom or your sister or any of your family please get help don't be scared to ask someone cares someone loves you and your beautiful.

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