Chapter 1- And so they met after two weeks

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The Monkey King's visit to the underworld to steal his bride had been an extremely hectic and useless one. He had released fifty million souls in the world to get back at heaven, when they refused to give him his bride's soul. Which was what resulted in him being summoned by the queen of heaven, mother of the great chariot, Doumu. Son oh gong wasn't interested in this meeting but her summon claimed that he would regret it, if he didn't listen to what she has to offer.

He made his way towards the throne room of Douma, two angels escorting him to her. They both seemed wary of him but of course that's how it had to be he was the great sage, equal to heaven. And because they probably knew that he had terrible a temper, and recently it had gotten worse after he failed to retrieve his bride from the Netherlands.

"The queen of heaven Douma-nim, requested the great sage's presence at her court" one of the escort angels said to the guard angel at the door.

"Is that so, but we weren't notified by the great mother of the chariot." The guard angel replied.

Son Oh Gong's patience had run out by then, he moved towards the gate but was immediately blocked by the two guard angels. The escort angels backed away from the scenes.

"If you don't wanna be a Pollock soup in the next five seconds, get out of my way" Oh Gong said to the guards in a low mocking voice but he made sure his eyes were red, so they'd know he was being dead serious.

"You can not do whatever it is that you want to do here in heaven, great sage." Said the haughty looking guard angel. She was starting to get on his nerves.

"Oh really,watch me" Oh Gong lit his hand with fire. The guard angels moved away instinctively. As if right on the cue to prevent these angels from turning into Pollock soup. The pristine white gates opened and the queen of heaven appeared.

"What's going on?" She demanded, at her presence all the angels kneeled to their queen.

"I thought we had an appointment, but your guard pigeons won't let me in." Oh Gong told her.

She looked at her guards for confirmation of his statement. "The great sage came here unannounced. We were quite confused, your majesty." One of them explained quickly giving him a nasty glare.

"Nope, that definitely didn't seem like the reason they weren't letting me in. It kinda felt like they were irritated by my presence" Oh Gong said to Douma.

"Great sage, no one likes you. Not here in my court nor the Jade emperor's court. Most of the deities are cross with you especially Yanwang. After the stunt you pulled off in purgatory should have expected this, No?" she told him smiling pleasantly.

"If you are gonna waste my time like this, I'm gonna to leave. I'm very busy, you see. I have lot of chaos planned for all of you, since you all seem hell bent on keeping my bride away from me and I won't stop causing trouble for you until I get Jin Sun Mi back." he smirked,his patience running out fully and irritation flaring.

"Patience has never been your strongest suite, one of the many reasons we never got along. Come great sage, follow me." she told as she walked back inside the chamber.

The room was huge and everything inside was white, it kinda hurt to look. Douma settled down in her throne and motioned for Oh Gong to take a seat as well. The monkey king plopped down on one the chushy white couches.

"I have a proposition for you. There is someone who has volunteered to clean up the mess you created in the netherlands. Help her clean up the mess and I'll talk to the Jade Emperor to stop your trail." she said to him.

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