Chapter 6- The weight of the chosen one

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To say that the monkey king was super bored would be an understatement. Son Oh Gong yawned loudly in his seat, which earned him a harsh nudge on his side from Mawang. Oh Gong glanced at his bull companion with irritation, who mouthed him to pay attention to the court's debate. All God and Goddesses were gathered for discussing the pros and cons of his banishment, he hadn't known that his trail would be  such a big deal, that all of them expect Doumu was present in the Jade emperor's court for it. Oh Gong was seated between Mawang and the patriarch in the grand throne room of Yudi, the Jade Emperor,ruler of heaven.

Oh Gong had no idea, what the first half of the trail had been about because it had been too dull for him to pay attention to, instead he kept himself awake up until now by making a sculpture of Jin Sun Mi's face out of the decoration clouds that he found nearby. He missed Sun Mi, he wondered what she was up to right now. Without anything else to do to keep himself entertained and Mawang's constant painful nudges, the great sage had no choice but to finally pay attention to the argument between the gods.

"Son Oh Gong is nuisance, look at the trouble he has created in the underworld. I still have around thirty five million souls missing from the underworld." said Yanwang, the ruler of underworld.Oh Gong rolled his eyes, he had done a lot worse in the past, Yan wang was being a bit too whiny in his opinion. Most of the gods present in the court agreed between themselves in a murmur. The lord of the dead and he never got along, he wasn't surprised by his objection to him becoming a god, and he was probably extra salty that Oh Gong had made such a mess in the underworld.

"But he is collecting and returning them back to underworld." argued the Jade Emperor weakly, much to Oh Gong's surprise the Jade Emperor was the only one who was defending him. They had been going back and forth about this for almost two hours now, he wished they'd just banish him already so that he didn't have to listen to their annoying voices anymore.

"Oh please, let's not get started on the amount of trouble the great sage has caused in heaven and in the human world." Yan Wang yelled making the Jade Emperor flinch. There was a murmur of agreement between the gods present in the court.

"Yan wang, I would have caused more trouble in the underworld as well but neither you nor your kingdom are significant for me to cause trouble." retorted the monkey king in retaliation, he might have not defended himself up until now because he was too bored to pay attention to what they were against him but he wasn't just gonna sit around quietly now.

"The underworld is too cold and dark for my taste anyway. It's so boring there that no one even visits your midnight winter party, I heard you work really hard for those but no one attends." taunted the great sage sneering at the lord of the dead. Yan wang clenched his jaw in anger at the demon's insult. But was unable to come up with something to defend himself because it was all true.

"Son Oh Gong, are you deliberately trying to get everyone to be against you." Chided the Jade Emperor to the monkey demon. "Yan Wang, I understand your anger at the great sage but he could be of lot of use to heaven. Heaven's rule is being threatened by the new master of darkness, who has succeeded in awakening a beast that has been asleep from the time of Pangu." reasoned Yudi trying to calm the lord of the underworld. Yan wang looked at Son Oh Gong with distaste and monkey king gave him his nastiest shit eating grin having won the argument.

"His majesty, the Jade Emperor is right. The master of darkness has been creating demons, and these demons are not like the demons under Mawang; the demon king, like Angelina Jolie and P.K who are just interested in fame and love from humans. These demons are like Trump, who are interested in causing chaos in the world. They have caused a chain reaction which turned the Golden dragon into an impure spirit and leave it's position as the beast's guard. He is ambitious enough to want to threaten heaven and he has even succeeded." The patriarch backed up the emperor.

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