Chapter One

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Rainfeather stirred as sunlight filtered in through the brambles of the warriors den. She got up, her eyes cloudy with sleep as she padded outside. 

"Watch it!" Came the yelp of Shimmerpelt. Rainfeather jumped, awake now, to find that she had stepped on her denmate's tail.

"Sorry!" Rainfeather hissed, hopping outside. She stretched, allowing the sunlight to soak into her pelt. Waterpaw, her apprentice was sick in the medicine den, and she looked over, sighing. She hoped her enthusiastic apprentice would be better soon.

Rainfeather padded past the medicine cat den on the way out of camp to go hunting, when Echosong rammed into her. She fell over, paws flailing ungracefully. Echosong quickly rolled off her, the fur on her spine lifted. 

"Sorry!" She quickly bounded out of camp. Rainfeather watched, puzzled. Echosong had been acting weird lately. The normally calm medicine cat was jumpy, always muttering to herself. Has she gone crazy? Rainfeather thought to herself, heading outside to hunt. She shuddered. Or has she gotten a sign from Starclan? A bad one...

"Rainfeather, Shadeheart, Shimmerpelt, Echosong, Flowerpaw, Petalpaw, Goldenfur, Lynxwing, Miststripe and Skyfall will be going to the gathering!" The clan deputy's voice filled the camp, and Rainfeather grinned. She couldn't wait to see Eagletalon again. Her eyes clouded, and she quickly shook her head to clear it.

At the gathering, the moon shone brightly, lighting up the clearing. Stormclan was already there, Thunderstar perching on the fallen tree, looking around the gathering His tail flicked impatiently.

Snowstar waved her tail and charged down the slope. Rainfeather bounded after her clanmates, who melted into the crowd. Rainfeather stood on the tips of her paws, scanning the mish-mash of cats for Eagletalon. She saw his sandy brown pelt, and her eyes lit up as she bounded towards him.

"Hey!" She called, skidding to a stop next to him. Eagletalon jumped to his paws, his muscles rippling under his sleek pelt. He fixed his gaze on her and a purr rumbled in his throat.

"It's been too long!" He meowed, his tail swishing over the ground.

"I know!" Rainfeather beamed, opening her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Thunderstar's yowl. It sounded kind of weak, scratchy.

Rainfeather turned to the tom, seeing his muzzle flecked with grey. Alarmed, she twisted her head to look at Eagletalon. "What happened?"

Eagletalon's gaze darkened, and he hesitated. "Thunderstar lost a few lives yesterday. I think..." He trailed off, but Rainfeather didn't need any more information. Thunderstar must be on his last life.

"We must welcome some new warriors to the clan," He meowed loudly. He still has a loud voice Rainfeather noted. "Hawkfoot, Frostflower and Blueheart!" Rainfeather could see the three new warriors standing up tall, there chests puffed out. "Other than that, everything is fine. We did have a few badgers invade our territory, but Dawnfeather, Flameblaze, Eagletalon and Whitewhisker bravely drove them out." He stepped back.

"He also joined in the patrol..." Eagletalon added quietly. 

"Oh." Rainfeather looked up at her leader with a sigh.

"All is well in my clan as well," Snowstar announced, stepping forwards, her eyes bright. She had been made a leader a few moons ago. "Although, Lynxwing has decided to retire to the elder's den. We respect her decision, and wish her a long, relaxed life as an elder." 

Lynxwing dipped her head stiffly as the cats turned to gaze at her. Her muzzle was flecked with grey, her gaze tired and relieved. Dawnfeather, one of her best friends, nudged her. "I'll miss you, you old furball." 

"You have a few minutes to chat." Thunderstar rasped. "Chat away!"

Rainfeather instantly turned to Eagletalon, recoiling when she found his face almost touching hers. His eyes were... Desperate? 

"Will you meet me here tomorrow night?" He pleaded, his mew soft.

Rainfeather's ruffled pelt smoothed, and she shuffled her pws. "Y-Yes. But it will be hard to get away..."


"I said yes, mousebrain!" Rainfeather chuckled. His eyes softened, and he sighed in relief.

Soon the gathering broke up, and they parted ways. As Rainfeather padded home with her clanmates, she couldn't stop thinking about Eagletalon, his warm amber eyes and his sandy brown pelt.

Heh. Yup! I dared to add this ;)


P.S: Tag people who you think would enjoy this story (Definitely not desperate XD)!

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