Chapter 4: Did I Cross the Line? Didn't Notice.

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who read this story for some reason, and my mom, for letting me write t

"When did word reach Konoha about Orochimaru's death?" Jugo questioned; most likely in place of Sasuke because Sasuke doesn't know this language.

"Hmm......" I contemplated the time between now and then, "About 3 weeks ago." He nodded.

"Were you informed immediately?" I shook my head.

"I was informed 2 days after." Again, he nodded.

"If I am correct, Tsunade has an assistant, apprentice, and a pet. Could you give me more information?" I sighed and ran a hand through my elongating locks.

"Tsunade-sama has an assistant named Shizune, a pet pig named Ton-Ton, and her Yamanaka Ino." I lied, feeding them all the info I could give. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Is that really all you can tell me? What about their abilities?" I plastered a thoughtful look on my face as if I was trying to recall their skills.

"Well Tsunade-sama is and amazing healer, along with Shizune, and I'd imagine Ino is learning how to heal as well. That's really all I could tell you. I'm not really on the 'inside'." Jugo contemplated on whether to just take that or to push it.

"And the pig?"

"I'm sure Ton-Ton has some way of protecting herself." Suigetsu placed a hand on Jugo's shoulder before he could continue.

"Come on, Jugo! I'm sure Sakura-nee-san has told you all that she knows! Don't push so hard!" Jugo looked back and forth from me, to Suigetsu. He nodded and stood from the chair he was seated in.

"I'm sorry if I pushed too hard, Sakura-chan. I was just following Sasuke's orders." I nodded in understanding and smiled kindly at him as he turned and left the room.

Suigetsu swiftly jumped into the chair Jugo had previously sat in and grinned at me. "No 'thank you'?" I sighed playfully as a small chuckle left my lips.

"Thank you, Suigetsu-nii-san!" We laughed at our new nicknames for each other. They literally changed every hour. First it was Sa-chan and Sui-kun, then it was Strawberry and Marshmallow, then Jugo addressed us as 'The Candycane Kids', then it was Cherry and Grape, and so on and so forth until we ended up here.

"Sakura. A word." A dark voice that I knew all too well sounded behind me before the presence disappeared entirely. I sighed and looked behind me to the dark hallway Sasuke had probably ventured down.

"Of course, Sasuke! Why not subject me to another interrogation 2 seconds after one ended? I wasn't busy or anything!" I mumbled as I lugged myself off the chair. Suigetsu chuckled at my antics.

"You can never be too busy for Sasuke." I ignored his mockery as I hurried down the hallway, quickly coming to the proper door and entering the quiet room.

"Is there something you need, Sa-su-ke~?" I mocked. His Sharingan glared into my soul as he looked up at me. What had gotten into me? I'm never this reckless in front of the Is Sasuke my enemy?

"Your answers were insufficient. You're hiding something." He replied shortly.

"I very well may be, but how does that concern you?" I wanted to slap myself. Wait... This is how you confront an enemy though, is it not?

"Hn." I facepalmed as his glare intensified.

"Look Sasuke, you aren't getting anywhere with this sorry attempt at conversation. Just spill it, will you! I'm becoming impatient." I had lost all will to live. Why do I have to go out this way?

'Should've kept your mouth shut.'

Quiet, Inner.

"I was informed that you were Tsunade's apprentice." I shrugged off my lie and looked at him.

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