Chapter 1: Come Together

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A\N: this is just like the title of the first episode... Sorry😂

Tomika's POV

Ughhhh first day of school and I hope this day will not be the worst day of my life.... So before I go to school I downloaded a app for math just in case because I really hate math and it's really difficult.

On school...

Summer: (calling Tomiks)
Summer: tomiks where are you?
Tomika: Oh I am in the hallway just give me 5 seconds (on her skateboard)
            End of call

Summer: oh you're here Tomiks so.... Oh my (sees Tomika's hair)   okay what happened on your hair?
Tomika: Just don't care about the hair were getting late Sum (putting her helmet off) oh boy! Sum do your thing!
Summer: I can handle this  (i put some hair spray... And Freddy comes ...) Oh hey Freddy! (I accidentally put some hair spray on his face)
Freddy: Oh hi Sum... AWWWWW MY FACEEE!!!
Summer: sorry for that Freddy! Tomiks I hope Freddy is not mad at me
Tomika: why he will be mad at you?
Summer: because I put some hair spray all over his face duhh..

The bell rings...

Tomika: oh we need to go to our locker and classroom too
Summer: Okay I hope this day will be a good day.......

Me and Summer go to our locker we put our stuffs there

Mr Finn's POV
I can't believe that I will be a substitute teacher I mean I don't have any experiences in teaching, I miss my life before but this my goal now to be a good teacher.... But I really can't be a good academic teacher how about I will convince them to be a band like me before hhhhhmmmm (imagining his future when his students will be a band)

Freddy: Oh my Summer just put some hair spray in my face! Now my face look worst! and I am still lucky because she didn't mess my hair (A/N: he is obsessed with hair products lol)
Zack: Yeah yeah yeah, your hair looks better than your face lol (laughing)
Freddy: Haha you're funny (annoyed)
Lawrence: hey guys!
Zack and Freddy: Oh hey Lawrence!
Lawrence: okay were getting late and we need to go to our class

They go to their classroom

Tomika's POV

Now me and Sum are here in our classroom, she is super excited because you know she is smart and there are 3 boys coming inside to our room, Summer is smirking because of Freddy, Right our classmate is Freddy, Lawrence and a Korean boy and I don't know him but he is cute.... Wait did I say that Korean boy is cute hell NO!!
Tomika you are a tough girl you can't have any feelings to that Korean boy REMEMBER!!!!

Zack's POV

I'm new here in this school but I have my friends, I meet Freddy in the store where he is buying his hair spray... I meet Lawrence in where he is buying his video game thingy... So we became friends and its cool that we study in the same school... But there was a girl that keep looking at me and she is so cute like I mean we can be friends or more than friends? Wait what am I saying did I like her?? I hate this feeling!!


Mr. Finn: Good morning class!
All: Good morning Mr. .......
Mr. Finn: Oh I'm sorry, you can call me Mr. Finn☺
All: Okay... Good morning Mr. Finn!
Mr. Finn: Okay... So guys you need to introduce yourself so your classmates will know your names...
And yeah they introduce their names so the class will start after they introduce their selves

Mr. Finn: Okay so what do we need to do?
Tomika: Start the class and you can start teaching us? (I have a bad feeling that this teacher/Mr. Finn can't teach!)
Mr. Finn: Yeah yeah you're right short girl!
Tomika: What!? I have my name and my name is Tomika not SHORT GIRL!!😤
Summer: Tomiks just chill okay, so Mr. Finn can we start the class?
Mr. Finn: Yeah so Rock and Roll👊
All:(confused) ???
Freddy: I think I gonna love this class (whispered)
Lawrence: What do you mean?(whispered)
Zack: I think Freddy is thinking about our teacher can't teach so he will just be chilling and he can do anything because he has a good feeling that our teacher didn't get him a detention😅
Lawrence: Okay that is a long explaination I mean a good explaination...
Freddy: Yup Zack is right we can do anything
Summer: Not so fast Freddy... Of course you know the teacher can teach and who is a teacher that can't teach?
All: Mr. Finn!
Mr. Finn: That's not true! I can teach you guys trust me! (Being a fake teacher is worst!)
Starting fake teaching:
So there is a.... Great variety... Of drafting materials... And tools... Used in.... Mechanical...Drawing ( I'm not good of reading a book!)
Summer: Okay.... That's kinda weird
Tomika: Sum this teacher can't teach and can't read!
Summer: Yup! I think that I am believing to you
BELL RINGS 🔔(it means it's recess)
Mr. Finn: So guys have a great and see you tomorrow, Goodbye!
Zack: Mr. Finn its just a recess and you are just starting to teach us
Lawrence: Mr. Finn you are not a kind of teacher that always looking in teachers guide against the rules? When we do something you didn't give us a detention!?
Mr. Finn: I am not looking on that “teachers guide” and there's no rule in my class get it?
Freddy: I will really gonna like this class
Zack: Our parents are paying our tuition fee for just to do nothing?!
Summer: Yah Zack is right
Mr. Finn: Just go recess first
Summer: So do you mean that our parents are paying just for only recess?
All (except Summer): Yeah she's right
Mr. Finn: Okay so you don't want me to be your teacher because I can't teach and read properly but I'm trying it to be just a good teacher to all of you...

So I hope you appreciate this story... Thank you... And sorry for some grammar/spelling mistakes, I am just a ordinary person we all have mistaken😂

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