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1. Be respectful and kind.
2. Do not kill someone's character without asking permission from them.
3. You are not allowed to play as a human.
4. No sexual stuff's a dog you can have mates, I prefer you not to have pups but I guess it's fine (again skip the sexual stuff)
5. Mm...keep swearing to a minimum, like don't swear in every reply/sentence, and don't
use the "F" word.
7. (IMPORTANT) **PLEASE include everyone and don't leave anyone out. If you and another person are roleplaying and someone else joins in, and you kick them out that's just you being uncaring because if you wanted to roleplay with one other person so badly, you could of went to PMS. This is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Thank you**
6. You must wait until I accept you.
7. If you have questions, please dm me.

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