12. Written Destiny

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Kwan's POV

After a while, we all finished the practice. It is now 9 PM, i should go to the pub where my brother and his friend are having drinking party.

I opened my car's door and checked my phone for the location, it is near campus.

"Hello P'," i called him

"Hello Nong, have you finished yet?" He asks

"Yes, i was just finished. Now i'm heading to the pub"

"Hmm, be careful na Nong" i hang up

When i turn on my car it wont start, i tried again but it just wont start.

"Oh good, what a night"

I curse loud inside my heart.

Now i get off my car and and open the hood, but i dont know what happen to my car moreover to fix it. I just make a long sigh and lean on my car, thinking.

Not long i saw P'Wayo and P'Ming come to my direction. I wai at them and they wai me back.

"Sawaddee P'."

"Sawaddee Kwan" P'Wayo smile

"What happened to your car?" P'Ming asks

"I dont know P', it just wont start"

After that he checked my car and call for a technician to pull my car to the garage. I dont know what happen, but i just let him be.

We wait for the technician to come, i give them my key and my number. After that i joined P'Ming's car.

We drove off to the pub, and look for my brother and his friend's figure. Oh there he is, we walk to them. Then i realize something that shocked me.

Off's POV

Beam and Forth came not long after Pha.

"Where is Kit?" Pha asks both of them

"He said he will be late, Professor Auntie asks him to help her" Beam answered

"Owh, it's just the third day and you all are busy" i added

"Yeah, this year will the hardest" Beam said

When i see Beam for a while, something catches my eyes. He has hickey in his neck.

"Aw Forth, you should turn down your beast side a bit please" i smirk

"Huh?" He confused

I just nod my head to Beam's direction, and he smile proudly. I just shake my head in disbelief. This beast is proud of what has he done.

Beam confused a bit and realize something. He quickly cover his neck and blush.

Not long Kit and Lam arrived, we all start to drink and chat. At around 10, i saw Ming and Wayo? And someone is walking behind them, that must be Phana's sister, i thought.

But when she gets closer, i can see her face clearly. She is someone i'm familiar with. Before i got the chance to say anything, she just shout.

"P'Off?" Thats the only word that come out of her mouth

"Ai'Kwan, so you are Ai'Pha sister huh?" I just smile, what a coincidence

She just nodded, while Pha gives her a hug and kissed her head. No wonder she knows how to treat my wound, skillful and gentle.

"Why are you late Nong? I was worried" Pha asked

"Her car broke down P', so me and Ming helped her" Yo answered Pha's question

"So where is your car now?" Pha asked again

"It's in the garage P', i called the technician that i know to bring it to their garage" Ming answered

"Oh good then, here come sit beside me," Pha said

Now the seat arrangement is like this, we sit in a circle. With me sit in front of Kwan, at my right side is Ming and her boyfriend Kit, while at my left side is Lam, Forth and his boyfriend Beam, and in front of them is Pha also with his boyfriend Wayo.

"So you have known each other?" Pha asked

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