"I'm Lacey"

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A/N: This story is set in season 7, however Belle and Zelena were also caught up in the curse and have their alternate personas, Lacey and Kelly. Just for this story rumple and belle arn't together.Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment, I'd love to know what you think💚

Kelly's POV
"Kelly, could you just take care of the bar for a moment? The keg room door is stuck again so I'm gonna go try and bust it back open" my sister asks me, emerging from the back. "I suppose. But I'm telling you, just kicking it in every time it gets jammed isn't going to work forever. Why don't you just call someone to fix the damn thing?" I respond pouring another drink and handing it to the man in front of me. "I'm not paying some handy man to change the hinges or something when a good kick will bust it right open" she insists nodding and mimicking the forceful action smirking. "Fine" I state rolling my eyes as the brunette disappeares back towards her previous place. After Roni had gone, I look around our rustic bar and take in the atmosphere. The place has bin this way ever since I can remember, the peanut shells and sawdust scattered across the stone floor, the jukebox placed in the corner and even the worn down bar top. Eventhough it wasn't the fanciest of places, it was ours,and people seem to come back and enjoy the place. The bright afternoon sun though,did mean that not many people visited during these hours, the bar was pretty quiet and not many people came in. Except for the city's drunk Leroy, who sat at his regular table drinking his problems away Ofcourse. However,meanwhile rearranging the different liquors on the shelf behind the bar, as it's the only thing I can keep myself busy with, an unfamiliar voice sounds from behind me.

"Hey could I get, a shot of tequila over here" the low toned voice asked. Quickly, I spin around to observe the girl who was leaning over the bar. For a moment I was completely taken back by her gorgeous appearance, not being able to say or do anything. The girl has long dark hair pulled up into a messy bun, small strands flowing over face framing it perfectly. Her, eyes a brilliant shade of blue light up her face making her smile seem even more enchanting. "Um are you okay?" She questions a little confused snapping me out of my astonishment. "Oh um yes, tequila" I stammer fumbling with the bottle and pouring the shot. "Here" I say placing it on the top. "Thanks" She replies smiling towards me, giving a small wink,then taking it over to the pool table. As she struts towards the table, here black stilettos making a sound with each step, I continue to stare as she takes a cue.

"Who's that?" My sister finally asks walking behind the surface noticing my stares. "I don't know" I answer quickly looking away. "She's cute, you should go talk to her" she suggests smiling. "What no way" I shoot back quickly glancing over to the girl once again. "Well don't you wanna ask her out?" She questions. "Maybe, but she wouldn't go out with me" I say cleaning a glass rapidly. "How do you know that if you don't ask her. I've never seen Kelly shy away from what she wants, she just takes it" Roni reminds taking the glass from my hands and handing me two more shots. "Now, take these, and go get her" she urges spinning me around and pushing me towards the pool table.

I take a deep breath, compose myself and make my over to the gorgeous woman. Just as I reach my destination the girl leans over the table, makes a shot and sinks the ball into the far left pocket. "Nice shot" I compliment approaching. "Care for another drink?" I ask holding the glass out towards her. She gives a smirk looks into my eyes and takes the shot. "Thanks, I'm Lacey, Lacey French" she introduces in a sexy Aussie accent attracting me even more. "Kelly Mills" I reply smiling back. "So you own the place?".
"I do, me and my sister over there" I say looking over to the other brunette. "I havn't seen you in here before".
"Oh I used to go to the Rabbit hole, but uh thought I could use a change of scenery, and it appears I made the right decision" she tells me raising her eyebrows and smirking in my direction."Well I'm glad you did" I giggle stepping closer. "So I was wondering if you'd want to maybe get diner after my shift, I hear the restaurant down the street isn't half bad" I propose.
Lacey stops to think for a second then replies "Alrigt,red, it's date" she says my expression becoming surprised at the nickname. "Red?" I say widening my eyes. "Yeh, I've decided that's what I'm gonna call you" She states proudly. "Alright,But I think it's only fair you get a nickname too" I state with a small laugh. I take a small moment to think then decide "What about Aussie?" I say referring to that unforgettable accent. "Alright red,Aussie it is" she laughs taking another shot. "Well my shift ends at 7, So dinner at 8?" I ask observing the concentration on Lacey's face. "Yeh, Alright I'll be there" she replies her eyes stil focused on the table. "Good, I should get back to work I'll see you later Aussie" I say starting to head back to the bar. "I look forward to then, later red" she replies making me smile uncontrollably.

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