Rapunzel part one

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        Once upon a time- okay okay so now your like great. This is gonna be super boring because all fairytales start out like this. This is not different from the fairytales. Well dear reader it is. So suck it up and continue reading. Ahem, where was I?

      In the kingdom of Stilled the king paced back and forth. His wife was giving birth to a baby. He hoped for a boy. Finally a baby's cry echoed through the halls and he burst into the room. The queen held a baby girl with golden hair. Her eyes sparkled like green rapunzel and she was a beautiful baby girl. The queen kissed the baby's forehead and named her Rapunzel.

Growing up the little princess was super annoying. Yes she was royalty but she NEVER SHUT UP! She talked on and on. This makes much more sense doesn't it? I mean magical hair. Stupid! Let's be honest what person would steel the princess if she wasn't magical. So I mean can't you understand why her parents would lock her up in a tower far away? Sorry I'm running away with the story. Let's continue now shall we?

    One day as the princess droned on and on the queen couldn't take it anymore. So she crept out of the room quietly and went to her husband. 

"Husband we must do something about Rapunzel! She never stops talking. I fear she wouldnt be good for the kingdom. We must rid of her at once. I don't know how long my ears can handle her!" 

"I agree my beautiful wife. He must rid of her. But of people know it they will not want us as their rulers. So we must say someone kidnapped her." His wife agreed. So one night while the princess was sleeping the king dressed in all black and took his daughter. She screamed but he gagged her and tied her up. He rode out into the forest around them and took her to a tower. The tower had no doors and no stairs. Only a window with a ladder coming down. The king climbed up the ladder and cut the rope from his daughter. 

"My family will look for me! You'll regret this!" She huffed out.

He took off the mask and she gasped. 

"No I'm pretty sure we won't. Goodbye. Maybe you will learn not to talk as much." With that he climbed down the ladder and knocked the ladder down. He left and Raounzel cried. When she finally stopped crying she punched the wall with her fist. Anger tore through her and the brick cracked. She was breathing heavily. 

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! I WILL GET YOU!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. She couldn't wait till she got sweet revenge.

Well my dear readers. That wasn't bloody at all. Just wait. It gets better. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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