~Chapter One Hundred Ten~

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Soonyoung told him that he just wanted to say goodnight, but they stayed on the call way longer.

The boys talked for hours and hours.

Jihoon's eyelids felt heavy but he forced them open and yawned.

"Oh, are you tired?" Soonyoung asked. "I can hang up so you can go to sleep-"

"No!" Jihoon yelped. "I'm tired but I want to stay up and talk to you."

Soonyoung just smiled. Jihoon was willing to give up his sleep just to talk to him.

The Lovers anyone?

I love that drama

This part was based on
Takuya and Joonjae

Speaking of Takuya, any
Cross Gene stans??
My bias is Shin😭💕
Bias wrecker: Takuya

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