Chp. 1 The New Kids

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First i wanted to say thank you to beargoode for making the cover, second, sorry for taking so long to update I've been very busy with schoolwork. I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Mari POV

So I was in class working on the worksheet when me and Adrian where called down to the principle's office for some reason, so now me and Adrian are standing here in Mr.Damocles office alone. Stay calm marinette, stay calm. " I would like to introduce you to Marinette and Adrian," Mr. Damocles walks into his office with 6 other kids who looks around my age, "they will show you around the school and answer any questions you may have," he then asked Adrian and I "if its ok with you?" "Y-yeah " "sure" we walk out of the principal's office and I introduced us " Hi I'm Marinette, and this is Adrian, what are your names?" "I'm Jade (Bex), this is Lilly (Liz), Jane (Cammie), Alex (Macey), Collin (Jonas), James (Zack), and Matt (Grant)." Said a girl with dark skin, wait when did Jane get here, I thought there where only 6 new students.

Time skip

After we gave them a quick tour of the school we went to class, since school gets out in 15 minutes we don't do much. Alya suggested that we hang out with the new students, so now we are headed to my house.
"How long have you guys beem friends?" Alya asked the group.

"Well, Jade, Lilly and I have been friends for about 6 years, Alex became friends with us about 3 years ago and we became friends with the boys a few months later." replied Jane.

"Cool, hey, are any of you hungry?" I ask them as we get closer to my place. They all said yes.

"Great! Because we're at my house." I said walking in to the bakery, " Hi mom, hi dad, I hope you don't mind that I brought some new friends over, they just moved here from America."

"No problem, would you guys want any snacks?"

" Yes please." I respond.

"Your perents seem nice." Said one of the girls, Lilly I think is her name.

"Yeah, they are," I replied

"So, do you travel alot?" Alya asked

"Yeah, we've been to Rome, London, Caspia, and we've traveled all around America, and a bunch of other places." Jade said cooly like it no big deal.

"Wow, you've been to many places, I've been in paris my whole life!" I exclaim

"Not really Jane has been to alot more places than most of us have." Jade replies with a hint of sadness and anger in her eyes. I wonder why, but by the looks on everyone's faces it's probably best to leave it alone, changing the subject I ask "What school did you used to go to?"
"Oh, we went to Roseville High School." Matt said then a phone started ringing snapping some of them out of a trance.

Macey's POV

When Bex says that Cammie has been to more places than most of us, all of us but Marinette and Alya know she's talking about the summer I hear some talking as memories come back from when we were looking for Cammie when my phone starts ringing, I excuse myself and answer the call, ugh, it's my mom.

"Hi mom"


"Mom! Quite down, I'm on a business trip in paris! How did you get this number!" I whispered-shouted
She hung up on me
Damn it! Now I have to get a new phone! I hope no one heard that other wise our cover is blown. How did she get my burner phone's number anyway???!!! I need to calm down and act normal. When I walk in Cammie ask right away "who was it?"
"My mom." I sigh
"What did she say?"
"Oh, you know, the usual."
"So, um" I change the subject and ask "Is there anything we should look out for?"
"Yeah, what kind of dangers should we keep an eye out for" Liz clarified
"Well t-" marinette started, but was interrupted by Alya
"Their is hawkmoth but don't worry about him ladybug and catnoir can take care of that."she said casually
"What?" I asked acting worried

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