Chapter One: Raven

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My name is Raven. I live in a cold place, The Frozen Place. Outsidetwo walls I live in a tent. No fire. No coat. Just a simple blue dressand some flats. My stringy black hair that I pulled back into a bun wascovered in snow. I was cold, but I didn't care. 

I was walking through the forest looking for food. Earlier that day I hadfound a dead deer. It had long fur so I used it to make a small coat that wastight around my arms and waist. Food was hard to find these days. Manypeople were being kicked out of The Warm. The only warm place on earth.Everything outside of The Warm was a cold barren wasteland. 

After I had gathered a handful of berries and some leaves I traveled back tothe tent I shared with my aunt. I dropped the food items at her feet."Don't be so sad, Raven. We live a good life," My aunt Constance told me. 

"We don't. Unless a good life is being in constant fear of freezing or starvingto death," I replied angrily. I was done living in the freezing cold withalmost nothing to cover up with. 

My aunt was old enough already. She hadgraying black hair and a wrinkly face, but her eyes were still a bright brown.Her eyes were always sparkling, even though times were tough she's alwayslooking on the bright side. 

That's what keeps me going through these darktimes of cold.

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