Chapter 26✨

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Zena p.o.v

"I know you fucking lying. Baby Girl please tell me you playing a joke and all this is makeup." He said. I wish.

"No Daddy He tried to..." I said but stop. Daddy picked up his brief case and my bag and walk into the house with me quickly behind him closing the door. Walking into the living room he sat on the couch and I sat next to him on the couch.

"Zena please tell me everything from beginning to the end." He said.

I did exactly that I told him everything from the time I got off the phone to falling asleep this morning.

"I'm sorry for not coming sooner I just was so tired and I didn't think I could make it here." I said. Dad pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.

"It's alright baby. My baby girl fought and that's all that matters. But as for them we are going to the police station to file a report after I go over there so we can get your clothes and beat the hell out of Raymond. I should get to Mya go beat Nadia ass." He said referring to Uncle TJ wife.

"Come on let's go get your stuff. I'm not playing the minute I see Raymond I'm beating his ass to the point where he have to sit in the hospital." He said taking off his suit jacket and untie his tie. It was about to be a worldstar moment.


Pulling up to Nadia house we got out the car and Dad walk up to the door and pounded on it.

A few moments later a Tyla answer the door with her hand on her head.

"Do you really have to knock on the doorlike that?" Tyla asked. My Dad mugged her and walk inside with me behind him.

"Shut the hell up Tyla your ass need to really ask yourself who goes clubbing on a fucking Tuesday Goofy ass. Where the Fuck Nadia ass at?" He asked.

Before Tyla could say something Nadia came from her room in the back.

"Why are you here Zion? Ain't I say I'll call the police on you if I see you here. " She said.

"Nadia I'm going to ask you one time and one time only. Why the fuck was my daughter sitting on my porch with her face looking like that?" He asked. Tyla and Nadia both look at my face with shock looks.

"I-I don't know. Zena baby what happen?" She asked.

"I-i dOnt KNow. ZenA babY wHat haPpeN? Of course you don't know why? Your ass should have just let her stay with me but no you took her away and left her in a house with a fucking RAPIST 'and Tyla before you start your shit shut the fuck up' you wanna leave your child in the house by herself to go clubbing like a common hoodrat. That nigga tried to rape my Daughter but she a fighter beat his ass and when I see him I'm going to beat his ass too. So you know what Nadia take a good ass look at her because this will be the last time you see her. Zena go get your clothes." He said I quickly went into my room and grab all my stuff. I heard my parents yelling but I wasn't worried about all that right now I was just happy to leave this place.

Packing all my things I carried all my things out the room and down the hall .

"Nadia you don't fucking listen I told you to keep my child away from that man and look what happen her face is swole up and she has stratches and a black eye. Matter of fact where he at." Daddy said walking down the hall and started to open the room doors until he got to the bathroom door that was lock.

"Oh don't bitch out now open the fucking door. You can hit my child so you can take this ass whooping." Daddy said banging on the door.

"Zion please I'm sorry." Nadia said and started to cry. I just shook my head and kept quiet. Tyla was also crying shaking her head.

"You know what..." My Dad said but I jump when the door was kicked open. Looking in my Dad started to laugh.

"Marcus and Zena really fucked your ass up." My Dad said which made me smirked.

My Dad walked into the bathroom and dragged Raymond out the bathroom. He then started to just attack him and I was on the side cheering him on.

"Zion stop dammit. I'm done with the childish shit. You come into my home threat and attack people. I'm calling the fucking police." Nadia said.

"CALL THEM. Fuck call them you think I'm suppose to be scared this nigga put his hand on OUR child and you worried about his well-being fuck him and fuck YOU. Matter fact don't call the cops I'm going to the station to file a report like I should of done the first time when you put her in the hospital." My Dad said grabbing my stuff.

"Wait what? No No Zion please. Can we forget about this please?" Tyla cried saying.

"What kind of Aunt are you? Why would I let this slide? His sick ass was suppose to be lock up a long ass time ago when he raped one of your nieces but not this fucking one. Nope and you nasty for even wanting to be in the same breathing space as him." My Dad said walking out with me behind him.

Getting into the car we heard them calling out to my Dad but he wasn't hearing none of that.

"Alright Princess we are gonna make one more stop to the police station then we'll go home and have your favorite ice cream. Okay?" He said. I smiled.

"Okay." I said.

I'm happy to be back home....

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